Example sentences of "[be] not [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
2 ‘ Since I am not to see him or speak with him alone ever again , in truth it matters little where he is . ’
3 I may prefer that people should not be malicious about me behind my back , even if I am not to know or even be affected by it , and that certain deathbed wishes of mine be carried out without supposing I will persist to be affected by them .
4 ‘ Of course it is — what a fool I am not to get it till now …
5 JERVIS : I am not to dispute with your honour , but I dare say if the men will let her alone she 'll never trouble herself about them .
6 I am not to tell the other Rons .
7 I am not to interfere .
8 Yet several big mergers will be needed , if some of the large money-centre and super-regional banks are not to risk following Bank of New England down the hole .
9 We should know something about the periodicity of the variables we are monitoring if we are not to risk either unnecessarily detailed data collection or aliasing of trends ;
10 Believers are not to love the world , and one day it will pass away ( 1 John 2:15 , 17 ) .
11 And they are très nécessaire , if we women are not to die like this . ’
12 ‘ If women are not to die how ? ’
13 Thus they are not to ask how their decisions can best promote the general welfare .
14 You are not to engage , I repeat , not to engage . ’
15 Somebody 's slipped over and they 've got all the grit in their knuckles in the part of their knuckles and you want to bandage the hand or there 's a cut on the hand , even on the palm , we can do that one later when it 's really , when it 's really a gash , gushing blood we can do this afternoon , I repeat again none of these which you 've done this morning will control severe bleeding , get it into your heads this is just to cover to keep infection out , alright , these are not to control severe bleeding just covering a minor wound or a graze , right ?
16 You are not to smoke
17 We are not to argue , though , that since ‘ I ’ does not refer to the man René Descartes it has some other , more intangible , thing to refer to .
18 Geach says : ‘ We are not to argue , though , that since ‘ I ’ does not refer to the man René Descartes it has some other , more intangible thing to refer to . ’
19 We are not to argue that ‘ I ’ refers to an intangible , invisible , inaudible Cartesian spiritual substance .
20 Can comparison of uses of ‘ I ’ with uses of ‘ here ’ help us to see why we are not to argue thus ?
21 ‘ Now if anything be certain it is this , that where there are general words in a later Act capable of reasonable and sensible application without extending them to subjects specifically dealt with by earlier legislation , you are not to hold that earlier and special legislation indirectly repealed , altered , or derogated from merely by force of such general words , without any indication of a particular intention to do so .
22 When Jesus says to his disciples , ‘ You are not to set your mind on food or drink ; you are not to worry ’ ( Luke 12:29 — the only New Testament use of the word ) , he is saying that God 's care for us as Father means that food and drink are not to be a hang-up , an occasion for doubt and anxiety which constantly keeps us up in the air .
23 As all these craft are not to exceed 16 feet 6 inches no cover is given whilst the craft is in international waters .
24 This is vital if we are to continue to lose weight and inches at a satisfactory rate , and essential if we are not to return to our previous shape .
25 You are not to say that . ’
26 ‘ And you are not to call me cara ?
27 You are not to concern yourself with them at all . ’
28 It is Joe Lawley 's opinion that we have no option but to dismantle it , but this has to be done with very great care if we are not to compound the damage done by sixty years of weather and so destroy it .
29 Throughout tonight you are not to leave your patient unless you are properly relieved .
30 Fundraising by major charities for older people must emphasise both sides of the picture if they are not to reinforce harmful stereotypes .
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