Example sentences of "[be] not [be] " in BNC.

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1 I am not being a killjoy .
2 All right , I am not being entirely serious .
3 It was not until about a year later , when I became the High Master of Warboys , that I took him into Warboys and made him a sort of Staff pilot flying Oxford aircraft on special navigational training exercises ; this was something that I could physically check and I do not know why it is , and I am not being clever now , I just accepted the evidence he gave me of this phoney flying .
4 Some of these children are infected , but those who are not are still affected by HIV .
5 Unfortunately , a good many books about the cinema published today are pretty inaccurate and fairly useless , but two which are not are The British Film Institute 's Companion to the Western , edited by Ed Buscombe ( Andre Deutsch ) and Alain Silver ; and Elizabeth Ward 's Film Noir ( Bloomsbury ) .
6 Well there are monitoring systems which are meant to be in place a and which may be er are not are not effective enough erm .
7 but er , that is the trouble , half of these are not been put in properly and the fumes are coming back over
8 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
9 The critic is also likely to spot the gaps in a group show , when the best works are not being shown , say perhaps because they are in private collections .
10 When we are not being accused of ignoring the vernacular pub tradition with the abomination of café-bars and so on we stand accused of creating ‘ pastiches ’ when we get involved with restorations — no matter how conscientiously researched a project .
11 Pabulum Consultants ' Jennifer Rust comments : ‘ Many companies will only invest in the minimum training required to get the system up and running ; it is not surprising in these cases that the systems are not being used to their full potential .
12 With limited space , it is unavoidable that I can provide only a summary of the work of a very active Association , but I thought your readers would be interested to know that schools are not being neglected .
13 Suppliers are not being paid by Brent Walker head office and as a consequence are threatening to withhold their services .
14 The Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association , representing about 131,000 teachers , estimates that about 7,500 teachers are not being paid incentive allowances worth £858 a year , while a further 900 are missing out on additional annual payments of £2,568 .
15 The fact that traffic estimates are not being increased to compensate for the rising construction costs is certain to raise fears that the cost of using the tunnel will be forced up by its scheduled opening in June 1993 .
16 Nonetheless , the National Radiological Protection Board recommends that when radiation levels approach its ‘ generalised derived limits ’ , the authorities should investigate both the sources of radiation and the way of life of people in the locality to check that they are not being exposed to excessive amounts .
17 Eggs are not being sold from the monastery at present .
18 Latent demand Customer needs are there already , but are not being met by existing products .
19 We are not being wise after the event in pointing to the reasons why Imperial consolidation was foredoomed .
20 resourcing which is flexible and allows individuality to be central releasing the property and other resources which are not being used to their full potential .
21 The needs of victims , it continued , ‘ can be clearly stated , are feasible and are not being met .
22 They have even more of a right to know if they are not being told at home .
23 And like all popular American programmes , British audiences are not being spared the export version : in the new year the Guinness trial begins .
24 Most 11-year-olds are not being encouraged to develop advanced reading skills ; a small but significant number are illiterate .
25 The row between the republics and the centre has driven the economy ever more steeply into decline : foreign investors have been frightened off , republics have thrown up trade barriers against each other , and tax revenues owed to the centre are not being paid .
26 Work habits ( such as waking up every day to an alarm clock ) that often flow over into responsible social attitudes ( such as being a good father ) are not being learnt .
27 Most of the illegal guns are not being bought over the counter , or stolen .
28 A recent policy statement from the AUT , Investing in the future : research and development in the universities , says that the overhead costs of research projects funded by government departments , research councils , industry and other bodies , are not being properly met and so these projects are eating up funds allocated by the Universities Funding Council .
29 If directives are not being enforced at a local level , the EC market will remain unfair .
30 In the EC the rules are not being observed .
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