Example sentences of "[be] for be " in BNC.

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1 Quite what the Vertical and Horizontal line facilities are for is a mystery , they appear completely redundant .
2 Well the national account what you are saying is the national account if the work 's for is then responsible for all those accounts that happen to be from the national account manager .
3 Erm yeah if er you have no objection , what it 's for is the , there 's this outfit called the British National Corpus and they 're trying to make a record of English Language as it 's used in the late twentieth century erm so it 's a sort of resource for further scholarship so it can assist in writing dictionaries and studying grammar and , and all sorts of things like that and erm they 're attempting to tape conversations from all over the place erm er I 've got a bit of bumph about it , it 's quite interesting erm and in some cases it 's sort of out of erm er it 's out of people 's homes , it 's out of broadcasts , it 's out of meetings , it 's out of all sorts of things erm at work and at home erm
4 It 's like this people th they 're deep sea divers and they discover , they 're stuck in the crevice , a big erm nuclear submarine and what it 's for is an experiment that 's gone wrong and it it 's to make and instead they make an abomination you know , incredibly powerful and intelligent but really nasty you know , murderous and killer and so they take they take him to these people .
5 Robin Lee in The Times maintained that both books were beneath criticism , Faludi 's for using the ‘ low-brow , flirtatious idiom of Cosmopolitan magazine ’ , French 's for being ‘ aggressive and intemperate ’ .
6 ‘ I 'ope you like it , Joe , it 's for being me best friend ever . ’
7 ‘ That 's for being a prick , ’ she said , and walked out .
8 All this week is for is going on appointments I 've made last week , and for setting up my appointments for next week .
9 That was for was n't it ?
10 all that cork tip was for was to stop it on your lips
11 One was for being a substitute in a local soccer cup final .
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