Example sentences of "[be] of any " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All the coaches in the world would n't have been of any use if you had n't had courage .
2 I mean , Diana herself has never in her lifetime uttered one statement that has been of any use to any member of the human race . ’
3 Everything was very hush-hush , and it was not until it was over that the name of the target was made common knowledge — not that it would have been of any interest to us if we had known beforehand , because none of us had ever heard of it .
4 There was no one else in the hotel who could have been of any possible interest to the assassins . ’
5 Nevertheless , it seems highly improbable that had it been pursued the ‘ revolutionary ’ alternative , deprived as it would have been of any significant outside help , would have proved any more successful .
6 This case of pistols was the last and longest-surviving of the Collector 's many treasures from the Exhibition , and really , he thought , with the possible exception of the velocipede which had inspired the trace of fortifications , the only one to have been of any use ; most of the others , of course , were now immovably set in the dried mud ramparts and could only have been recovered with a pick .
7 I 've told them everything I could think of that might help , but so far it does n't seem to have been of any use . ’
8 Had she been of any other class , he would long ago have stormed her defences and conquered .
9 Laura glanced through her eyelashes at the thick dark hair curling over the edge of his collar , the relaxed set of his broad-shouldered figure as he continued to idly watch the passing scenery , while he talked so calmly and dismissively about a marriage which , it was quite clear , had never been of any major importance in his life .
10 For you will learn that none of these things which are admired and sought after are of any good to those who attain them — for when they do get them , the burning heat is just as bad , there is the same tossing about on the sea , the same desire for what they do not have .
11 The young nobleman , Gontran de Boismassif , has just married his equally youthful cousin , but is suddenly acutely conscious that he has never had the facts of life explained to him , and neither his bride nor his tutor ( likewise innocent ) are of any assistance .
12 Seating depends on room arrangement and table size ; but the more in the centre you are of any line the better your range of vision , and the better placed you are to get involved .
13 Without studies of that kind , which we certainly do not have , it is proper to remain agnostic on the question of whether regional variations are of any significance .
14 151 , are of any relevance to the cases now before the court .
15 Only answers to what has been asked are of any value .
16 If published claims are of any real importance others will want to repeat , verify , contradict , or confirm them .
17 Minimising — accepting that there are problems but denying that they are of any great significance or that they necessarily have any connection with alcohol or drug use : " An alcoholic is someone who drinks more than I do . "
18 It is doubtful whether many such classifications are of any use at all , for it is more difficult to remember the results of the classification than the individual landforms .
19 Quite apart from the limitations on law reform in general which such an argument would appear to justify , if the views of the public are of any significance at all in this context , then it must be its view of what the law ought to be rather than what it is .
20 I had no reason to suppose that the letter was anything but genuine — it was on the shipping company 's notepaper , and , insofar as such recollections are of any value , the signature at first glance was in keeping with the signature I remembered vaguely from my days at Upper Thames Street .
21 I also have a few old postcards if these are of any use . ’
22 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
23 The music can be of any sort , of any age , and no matter how tattered or torn .
24 In other words , when it comes to an attempt to understand how someone is likely to respond to a stimulus , a description of the stimulus in terms of its simple physical dimensions is not going to be of any value .
25 If you 've had similar experiences , please write to Esther Rantzen at ‘ That 's Life ’ , BBC Television , Lime Grove Studios , London W12 7RJ , or to Miss M Boothroyd , ‘ The Dog House ’ , Good luck with the campaign ; if we can be of any further help , let us know .
26 This order was annulled on 26 October by the Smolensk guberniia party committee for being excessive and too late to be of any use .
27 Recognizing that audiences could never identify with nobs , Hitchcock 's films showed ordinary people going through extraordinary experiences : ‘ The upper classes , ’ he remarked , ‘ are too ‘ bottled up ’ to be of any use as colourful screen material , too stiffened with breeding to relax into the natural easiness and normality required by the screen . ’
28 If we can be of any assistance to you in finding another job , please do n't hesitate to shout .
29 Warton replies : ‘ It can not be of any use to the dead themselves .
30 Obviously , in order that the trial should be of any value at all , both materials should be used in the way that will produce the best results .
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