Example sentences of "[be] it is " in BNC.

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1 It may be it is not the hair itself but possible the style of fishing associated that could be the problem .
2 Perhaps people realise that in England these women are ultimately powerless , so they feel there is no point in helping them , or perhaps they think that the sons are to a certain extent justified , or may be it is just a matter of people not having the time or energy to do anything about it .
3 For the artist , whatever else art may be it is an attempt to express deeply held beliefs about the nature of being .
4 But correct as the analysis may be it is limited to pragmatic instrumentalist legal theory , and the prescription fails to take account of social theories which may help to explain the changes in the rule of law over time .
5 … However reprehensible conduct of this kind may be it is not , at least in circumstances such as the present , an abuse or , in another word , a misuse of the court 's process .
6 Can you say why you think it would be it is a strategic criterion ?
7 The only place in which a presumption now appears in national guidance is in P P G two and it 'll be it is no secret that erm P P G two will be the subject of a revision .
8 Well er the I mean there has been a slight complexity with the replacement er programme of course because er er E F two thousand was originally envisaged that it would replace the phantoms er as as as as well as the jaguars and now that er has altered with the decision in options to er get rid of er the phantom squadrons , we 've er been able to adjust the replacement programme such that er the aircraft E F two thousand will replace er the erm er the jaguar and some of the F threes er and the programme will be adjusted such that we get er the most cost effective er mixture of replacement of those two types and there is no problem with keeping the jaguar going until that stage and it may well be it is , is being judged to be cheaper that we should er do some F three replacement at the same time , again partly for cost reasons because it 's gon na be more cost effective to do it that way .
9 Indeed , at times like this , may be it is useful simply to restate what , for many people , is so obvious it often goes without saying .
10 So , so it must be it is erm can I write it down on here ?
11 Whatever the means of communication has been it is important to follow up properly .
12 Upstairs where the machines are it is terribly hot .
13 ( The composition of the Sun and the Earth being what they are it is natural that the effusions on the Sun should be of fiery matter whereas those on the Earth should be of water vapour . )
14 If more red than green members of a species of moth living on green foliage are being killed by predators , that may be selection ; but only if the predators are not colour-blind ; if they are it is random sampling error .
15 It must be stressed , though , that were it is said above that the researcher will ‘ scan the library ’ for previous writings on the area of study , this means more than a casual walk past the shelves of books which seem to be vaguely related to the topic .
16 It 's being it is being prescribed t for huge numbers of people , it 's being promoted as a very safe drug , it 's a very profitable drug , and we already know that it causes a very large number of quite serious side effects .
17 They said it was an old grave , nobody knows who 's it is .
18 We 're attracted to the same sort of subject matter ; I think that 's it is n't it ?
19 This does it absolutely it 's not a dot printer it 's it is a laser printer .
20 It it it it 's it is paradoxical .
21 Erm let's just take that chain in each case because it 's it is a
22 Again , it 's a similar sort of issue which is it 's it is difficult to put across that if you notice you have n't got a fire warden there and that 's your only
23 It 's it is it is the same .
24 Er are you saying that it is any part of the Council 's case that this land th it it 's it is er a possibility that having this land as a strategic reserve er can er is of assistance , or are you saying that it is simply er having included it in , it might form part of a strategic reserve ?
25 It may well As far as I know it 's it is only Mrs er who has said , I I 'm sorry to er to say this Mrs , you are the only person who has said that you wish to produce additional representations .
26 It Not so much move around , er some people , the age group you 're talking about going to the blues , because do n't just think that it 's it is prominently West Indians or blacks , that go , but there 's white people go as well .
27 Well that 's it is n't it .
28 That 's It is
29 I mean , I do I do take your point about the culture , and it and it 's it is a significant issue , which will take some time , I mean , probably wi with your experience in Social Services you 'll know that a substantial number of directors of Social Services are in fact female , and maybe one of the questions that we have to ask at a senior level is , our s senior erm , chief officers , erm , the fact that we 've got no woman , chief officer , and it may well be because now that we 've got an equal opportunities policy , that we may get applications from erm , very able women who see that we have got a clear commitment to equal opportunities demonstrated in this paper .
30 So it 's it is swings and roundabouts there .
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