Example sentences of "[be] given to " in BNC.

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1 A characteristic two pages of the text are given to Corot 's landscapes , five pictures being cited , though the reader is less fortunate than the lecture audience , as only two are illustrated .
2 The extra money earned from attending court on a day off can be attractive , but it is more often the case that reminders about the approaching end of the shift are given to those constables who suggest work which involves ‘ going over ’ .
3 The phenomena it explains are given to us in experience ; they are not produced by us , their causes are not directly knowable , and we can only hypothesize , in the terms of our theoretical framework , about what they are .
4 Anyway who has followed the actions of the opposition in Bremen or Hamburg in recent years can hardly avoid the conclusion that the Christian Democrats ( the opposition ) are not interested in gaining power ( since lucrative public positions are given to them anyway ) …
5 . ’ Eight , ten , or twelve succussions are given to the bottle before each dose .
6 Various orders of priority are given to these factors .
7 Even within national systems , the structure of the television schedules , and the different interpretations which are given to different injunctions — with different degrees of force — to inform , entertain and educate , make it difficult to think of television as a single formal system .
8 Since virtually all credits are given to local or regional enterprises , much of the money thereby created returns as deposits to the credit-giving banks .
9 To assist them the Government has made the west of the region a Development Area in which special grants are given to industries .
10 more often than not it lacks continuity and progression or any serious attempt to ensure that adequate time and attention are given to the elements said to comprise the topic .
11 ‘ Patient problems ’ provide a basis for studying nursing , and so these problems form the presenting , or trigger , problems which are given to the learners .
12 Seminars , tutorials , and demonstrations are given to smaller groups of students than the average lecture .
13 Pre-tests and post-tests are given to both groups , and the analysis is concerned with establishing significant differences in the performance of the two groups .
14 Discounts are given to all parties of 15 or more paying visitors .
15 The cards are now flicked through and , sure enough , each of the cards has turned over , and they are given to the children to hold before being collected .
16 ’ 'T IS bruited about that the king is unwell and that you are given to displays of temperament !
17 This miracle is placed by Mark just after the chapter on parables in which the secrets of the kingdom of God are given to the disciples .
18 Sometimes the most immense-changes are given to us in a short story of only a few pages : Chekhov 's ‘ Let Me Sleep ’ sees an exhausted , brutalised servant-girl murder a baby in six pages ; Katherine Mansfield 's ‘ Revelations ’ sees a woman who longs for freedom and independence rush for security to an unloved but ardent suitor — because everything feels strange at her hairdresser 's , where she learns that a tragedy has occurred — in seven pages .
19 When tests are given to adults , it may increase co-operation if a test has high face validity .
20 Bribes are given to a child for stopping behaving badly , but rewards are given for behaving well .
21 Crimes of Tazir are given to the appropriate authority to determine punishment .
22 We catch an echo of it however in that curiously possessive rather than patronizing way in which anthropologists are given to speaking of ‘ their people ’ ( just as the people sometimes speak of ‘ their anthropologist ’ ) .
23 We checked as far as possible the information for the cases listed in tables 2.1 to 2.4 of the Black report ; in table III cross references are given to the cases listed in these tables of the Black report and , when necessary , the information has been corrected .
24 Directors are treated as being in a position analogous to that of trustees , so powers conferred upon them are given to them in a fiduciary capacity .
25 Under the fund 's rules grants are given to projects if they promote the development of declining or under-developed regions , improve their infrastructure and create jobs .
26 In pursuit of this , wide powers are given to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , some of which may , and indeed have been , transferred to a ‘ designated agency ’ , known as the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) .
27 But ten times as many children of divorce live with their mothers as with their fathers ; more than eighty-five per cent of divorces , granted on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour , are given to wives complaining about their husbands ' conduct , and the number of wives made to pay off their ex-husbands is still tiny .
28 Mravinsky 's attitude to dynamics seems to be on the lines of ‘ no gradual inflexion unless explicit instructions are given to the contrary ’ .
29 Against this background , Conservatives should say : too many prison sentences are given to the wrong people ( eg alcoholics ) ; prison regimes are too often wrong , with prisoners staying inside in relatively soft conditions for relatively long sentences ; too often violent criminals do not get sent to prison as they should ; for young thugs short spells are advocated in glasshouse-type detention centres with a very tough physical regime ( but good food ) ; otherwise there should be a greater emphasis on fines , representing a more humane and economical approach .
30 Certain opportunities are given to backbenchers to choose the subject matter for debate .
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