Example sentences of "[be] part [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thorn confirmed Draper 's resignation yesterday , but denied it was a major problem as ‘ he 's been part time for years . ’
2 As expressed by Atiyah the ‘ weakening belief in the importance of the hortatory effect of the judicial process has been accompanied by , and has surely been part cause of , a change in the sense of justice itself .
3 Therefore , there are part areas of towns not covered , and where a particular use is not considered appropriate in these areas other valid reasons must be found for refusal perhaps on the lines suggested below :
4 We are part way through a randomised multi-centre control trial of rehabilitation and the majority of physicians collaborating say they have insufficient time to review all their patients after discharge , after this aggressive therapy of 3 or 4 days in hospital .
5 In the French Regional Parks in total , agricultural holdings average 23 hectares and about 50% are part time .
6 Amongst these are part time hours , job sharing and term-time working .
7 Those normal , straightforward girls are part ofa society that she chose to leave a long time ago .
8 I take it you 're part Greek ? ’
9 A high proportion of these workers may be part time .
10 It would , as always when she was with him , be part pain and part pleasure .
11 The issues raised by this point will loom large in Part Four , where the metaphor of people being part authors of their own moral world will be explained .
12 1825 " The Presses of this meeting , as being part owner of the Steam Boat , declines allowing the assessment for the Steam Boat to be charged for this year .
13 I am worried that many students may convert to being part time rather than full time , simply because they can not afford to be full-time students .
14 All them years since , and she was a widow and , and she was er ever so nice , lovely home and clean , but the bed was , it , it was n't just flock it were part Taylor
15 Both men were part Austrian by birth and spent formative early years in Vienna .
16 Another point to bear in mind is that in 1988 only 35 per cent of the 400,000 new jobs created were full time : 34 per cent were part time and 31 per cent were in self employment .
17 Indeed , his passionate predilections form the basis of the plot , which is part thriller , part black comedy but also a serious exploration of the price paid for love and lust — if you 're not very careful …
18 This strategic vision is part style , part process , part content , and part context , while visionary leadership involves psychological gifts , sociological dynamics and the luck of timing .
19 Our biochemistry is part dragon : the " R-complex " , which awakens when our thinking and feeling brains are off guard , in trance , afraid or asleep , is a dragon brain .
20 Infants still occupy a world that is part fantasy and magic , and they readily accept the idea of talking animals and talking objects .
21 Set in the steamy swamps of Bayou La Teche ‘ Scorchers ’ is part comedy , part deadly serious drama , in the story of two curious relationships — one in which a newly married husband ca n't get his young wife into bed and in the other a preacher 's daughter ca n't get her husband out of someone else 's !
22 The establishment of the idea that the telling of the truth is thus subject to standards set by the use of a volume which is part history and part fiction , is almost tantamount to condoning the telling of untruths when the ritual is omitted , or at least making it much easier to justify such behaviour .
23 The difference is part luck and part circumstance ; but it is also in the driver 's mind .
24 The figure of £15,778 under survey fees is part payment for the Race Relations Consultancy .
25 Their job is part counselling , part provider of information .
26 is part Opera House curtain , part
27 It is part owner of Atochem , one of Europe 's main manufacturers of methyl bromide .
28 Often it is part time women workers who suffer most . ’
29 Section 2 to read : The Coordinator as part of his/her responsibility is part Area Secretary for a geographical area with no more than approximately a quarter of a million population .
30 Selecting a remedy is part science , part art .
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