Example sentences of "[be] three [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 're three on the nineteenth .
2 no they 've got ordinary ones here but I mean these , are a whole lot expensive than they were at W Smith 's , yes , erm I just do n't believe this price no I suppose they 're three for one fifty nine , but that 's the size I got
3 You and me , we 're three of a kind .
4 ‘ A house is not a proper home without children , and I quite thought there might have been three at least by now . ’
5 There might have been three of I do n't know how many there were but he was one of the older joiners .
6 Pittenweem was one of the burghs which favoured Alexander , although if it had favoured Anstruther , it would have been three to two .
7 Your pies are three for a pound your pasties are four for a pound .
8 These are three of the ‘ 4Ps ’ in the marketing mix , the fourth being promotion .
9 There must be one flag , the Union Jack , but under it equality of races [ i.e. British and Boer ] and languages … but not before a loyal majority is assured ’ ; or again , ‘ if ten years hence there are three men of British race to two of Dutch , the country will be safe and prosperous ; if there are three of Dutch to two of British , we shall have perpetual difficulty ’ .
10 I would suggest some sort of exposed hook set up and here are three of my favourites .
11 There are three of them , Guardia Nacional .
12 There are three of these .
13 If the ability to ask , to trust another to respond and to feel gratitude are three of the main derivatives of an early partnership and the basis of love , envy is one of the strongest antidotes to loving .
14 There are three of them dancing now , sometimes together , sometimes separately , all in white .
15 There are three of them , as in the following sentences :
16 Seeing there are three of you , it would make sense if I made a fourth and helped to leg . ’
17 These are three of the Castle Spirits : Ghosts of those slain by Drachenfels .
18 Here are three of fundamental importance .
19 There are three of these ‘ stop reading ’ punctuation marks .
20 There are three of them .
21 Hotels and catering , clothing , retail , are three of the main Wages Council 's industries , of which we have a large membership .
22 From ( 5.1 ) , these are three of the most important components determining a bond 's price .
23 The entity-relationship model of Chen ( 1976 ) , Codd 's own extended relational model ( Codd , 1979 ) , known as RM/T , and the functional data model of Shipman ( 1981 ) are three of the most well-known .
24 There there are three of us er , that is Mr Allenby Mr Heselton and me looking for an answer to a question which was about
25 So we proceeded on a cost plus basis , also the cost plus environment actually brings the partners together because if there are three of us working on a cost plus contract and I have a problem , my two partners rush to help me because clearly there 's some more profit for them , erm if the only difficulty with cost plus contract of course is that unless you have a a real ceiling on the total er costs that you 're going to pay , it may keep on rising far higher than you 'd ever imagined .
26 There are three of us new to the side .
27 And there are three of them along here so how many have we got altogether multiplied b well we 've got three add five .
28 You mean there are three of us ? ’
29 I 'm going to get your rain cover , I can only I 've got two hands and there are three of you .
30 That may happen ( though it usually does not ) where there are three to be filled , is much less likely if there are four , and almost unheard-of if there are five .
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