Example sentences of "[be] because it " in BNC.

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1 They 're because it 's Sunday .
2 If your original application was rejected by some or all of the institutions you listed , this might have been because it was delayed and did not reach the admissions tutor until after the course was full .
3 yeah there 's a muse th th there 's a museum at Carne in Normandy , I do n't know if anyone 's been there , we went there last year , and it , it 's a new museum , a memorial museum and that 's the most moving place I 've ever been because it 's actually designed to show how awful war is and that it should n't happen again , it 's not a museum glorifying war , it 's a museum showing that , that it should n't happen , we should n't let it happen and there 's a erm there 's a great big case as you go in which has er a statement from every country that took part in the war , including Germany , and they 're all there , they 're all there together saying that you should n't you should n't let it happen and , and and I , I thought that was the sort o you know i i it was very impressive because i it was n't glorifying anybody , it was n't saying we won the war , you lost the war it was it was a , a coming together to say that it should n't happen .
4 There has been some confusion — I do not know why there should have been because it was made clear last night by the Secretary of State for Wales — about the position of students .
5 about people to think to them after they 've been because it 's so stressful .
6 It is the way boys are because it is the way adults are .
7 You do n't have to draw the continent and oceans exactly as they are because it 's a diagram .
8 If it succeeds , it will be because it concentrates on achievable tasks .
9 It must be because it gets me out of the tent in the middle of the night to stand and contemplate the untroubled majesty of The Plough .
10 Its fascination may be because it exemplifies mankind 's continuing need for trial by fire : that quest for the ultimate human test .
11 Our primary motives for climbing a hill should be because it simply looks attractive , or out of botanical , geological or historical interest .
12 But if X + Y is an organic unity then the fact that it has 100 degrees of value may be because it has 90 degrees of value as a whole while Y has none .
13 Professional DEC watcher , Terry Shannon , claims the firm is fretting that its Alpha launch on November 10 wo n't be as impressive as it might be because it missed its goal of getting a thousand third-party software packages .
14 Sun Microsystems Inc took exception to the story we wrote saying the new SparcClassic is n't all it 's cracked up to be because it ca n't hack it as a standalone thanks to Solaris eating up all its disk and internal memory ( UX No 416 ) .
15 There was a novel before which was never published , and never will be because it was mostly autobiography and self-expression .
16 … in-service training is often much less effective than it could be because it is based on an ‘ educational model ’ i.e. is focussed largely on the individual .
17 It 's just it 's just a number be because it 's one length divided by another .
18 But I knew that that was where God wanted me to be because it was such a miracle .
19 If an animal does not eat a food item at one moment but does later , it may only be because it was not hungry before , not because it has learned to see it .
20 But if most of the dust does indeed predate the rocks then its fairly uniform composition and age across the Moon could be because it was originally distributed uniformly from space .
21 This may be because it was intended to be a quick method of banning undesirable consumer trade practices and in practice it turned out not to be very quick at all .
22 Torquay November 21st 623rd There are still vacancies on this Medau weekend course but this may be because it is the same weekend as the Reunion .
23 This might be because it will give you , the teacher , more confidence in what you 're doing , in which case the simplest way is to discuss the likely roles and ask for volunteers before the drama proper begins .
24 There is a large area of new build around where the southern fire station will be and I do say will be because it will be .
25 Now she made the decisions , now she was in control , and if , at some future date , she should sell the farmhouse it would be because it was her choice and not to accommodate him .
26 I think might be because it 's a the four churches toge together .
27 No , I think that might be because it does n't include the welding grants , but even so , let's have a look at , down here
28 No that must be because it 's
29 Well it certainly should be because it 's for the families , for the young children and they , they ca n't understand what it , all of it is about so it should be kept as simple and as short as possible .
30 I i , it could be because it feels quite cold and damp .
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