Example sentences of "[be] more to " in BNC.

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1 But there may have been more to the Chancellor 's remarks than meet the eye .
2 ‘ I 'd have thought Brahms and Liszt would have been more to your taste . ’
3 But there must have been more to it than that .
4 If I had specially ordered the moment , it could n't have been more to my liking .
5 Stupid Aries might have been more to the point , because the only person who seemed to have been burnt by her fire was herself .
6 ‘ It would have been more to the point if you 'd attacked Ryan , ’ he said brutally , ‘ because , despite your lousy opinion of me , I 've done nothing to deliberately hurt you .
7 She had made a wrong choice a year ago , had put Steve and her career before the man she loved , but there had been more to it than that .
8 Then a fortnight ago I had a cataract removed , but there must have been more to it than that , because not only am I startled by the brightness of things , but the vision in that eye is practically perfect , so I am not wearing glasses most of the time , though for faint or small print ( not piano music : hooray ) I shall have to get some more specs .
9 The Germans are more to be trusted with maintaining the value of European money than would be a Central Bank with votes for inflationary countries like Greece , Britain or Italy .
10 I find Lubin 's fingerwork in faster movements absolutely sparkling ; and the slightly more flowing tempi he adopts in the slower movements are more to my taste .
11 At present the opportunities they provide for cost cutting are more to the fore .
12 Grades are more to be blamed for what they do not do than for what they do do .
13 Hewitt ( 1983 ) is then led to conclude that most disasters are characteristic rather than accidental features of places and societies where they occur ; risk arises from ordinary life rather than rareness , and natural extremes are more to be expected than many of the social developments that pervade everyday life .
14 The virtue of artists ' writings for the reader of criticism is that it can often serve as a touchstone for judging the worth of mediators , particularly those presenting views of what the artist intended ; what the artist said may be more to the point .
15 Without sounding too clichéd about it , there should be more to it than that .
16 There may be more to it .
17 She said there must be more to it than just worrying about wanting a small waist , and she was right : out it came .
18 Like many people , maybe you 're feeling that there should be more to a summer holiday than sun , sea and of course , crowds .
19 It is so simple that I have known clever men misunderstand it completely , thinking that there must be more to it !
20 But I ca n't help feeling that there must be more to it than that .
21 And I 've had at least three real girlfriends , so there must be more to me than bad skin , frizzy hair and a slouch .
22 However , there seems to be more to the formation of a child 's personality at birth than these two viewpoints — that we are either born as a blank sheet or that the formation we have is via our mother , and begins prior to our birth .
23 A mechanical amplifier had been envisaged by Edison in 1877 , and an electronic amplifier by Lee de Forest in 1914 ; but there proved to be more to solving the problem than that .
24 Or we can decide that there must be more to being alive than this and , like Jonathan Livingston Seagull , become intrepid explorers of life 's possibilities .
25 In the same way that the spectacle of a butterfly or a peacock still arouses the feeling that there must be more to it than evolution , consciousness insists there must be more to itself than that .
26 In the same way that the spectacle of a butterfly or a peacock still arouses the feeling that there must be more to it than evolution , consciousness insists there must be more to itself than that .
27 They were to tutor the child who refused to attend school , but there was to be more to it than that .
28 Indeed it would be more to the point had her will of 1784 been retitled ‘ Funeral Instructions ’ as most of its wording relates specifically to the funeral .
29 There should be more to alternative comedy than saying FILOFAX .
30 It seemed to the hedgehog that there should be more to it than that .
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