Example sentences of "[be] what all " in BNC.

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1 That 's what 's been going around the common room and that 's what all this adds up to . ’
2 ‘ So that 's what all the research is about .
3 that 's what all
4 ‘ Of course , that 's what all young women say .
5 That 's what all the papers keep telling them and yet none of them take a blind bit of notice .
6 But that 's what all training should be really is n't it .
7 ‘ And I did n't kill his missis either , if that 's what all this is about , which is all I can think . ’
8 Multimedia is the present buzz-word — it 's what all the mags think will be the ‘ big thing ’ this year , and they 're probably right .
9 That 's what all boils down to does n't it at the end of the day and you have n't succeeded as far as I can see in convincing people , those three thousand signatories , that erm it 's not going to affect their lives and the quality of their lives and their their environment adversely .
10 So that 's what all this is about ?
11 I think that what we have to decide today , or one of the things that needs to be decided is , is the new settlement in the longer term a sensible answer given that all the all the various considerations , and that erm arguing about residual numbers , here or there has to be taken in the much longer context , I think that 's what all I would like the to say at the moment on on new settlement erm because of the situation I am in of not being able to er say too much in detail about it , I sha n't be making very many contributions to this particular debate .
12 or sorry it sends a signal to the adrenal glands which sit on the top of the kidneys yeah , and pumps adrenalin into the blood which again is something that makes you ready and that 's what all these things about about a dry throat a wonky voice a shaking limbs is all about a very primitive instinct of fight or flight .
13 But then , when I le left you and went to work I 'd eat those pasties and crisps and then perhaps I 'm still hungry , sometimes I 'd go and have a Chinese all at the wrong time , that 's what all that is in n it ?
14 That 's obviously the main important thing for me and erm you know , that 's what all the effort 's going to be going in to .
15 ‘ This is what all the other guests say , sir , and that is what is puzzling us . ’
16 The ¥64 trillion question , however , is what all this will mean for relations between big banks and big companies .
17 Indeed , that is what all pollution control is about — people paying to live in a cleaner environment .
18 Whether it 's a skinny sliver of a thing or a rock the size of a cherry , that sensational stone is what all women want on their finger .
19 Quite simply , the new Williams FW15 is the greatest Grand Prix car of all time … and it is what all the fuss is about in Formula One .
20 ( The record for 1901 is incomplete , but this is what all other girl apprentices in the book started at . )
21 Ultimately creativity — defined as the ability to have ideas that sell — is what all agencies claim to be selling .
22 He said it lightly , then added : ‘ Because this is what all this is about , is n't it , Katherine ? ’
23 LADY JONES : 'T IS what all young gentlemen will do !
24 ‘ What worries me most , ’ she said , ‘ is what all this rushing around is doing to Zachary .
25 Above all , he insisted on reducing the revenue support grant rather than increasing it , which is what all of us said was necessary to soften the blow .
26 Obviously he was calculating on the basis of marginal costs of running the car , but this is what all motorists do .
27 This is what all the trouble 's about , they 've all got British passports .
28 this is what all the shopping was for when I got drenched .
29 But we also , I think , all took the view , because that was what all the signs were showing at the time , that the crunch would come later than it did , and I think that was the perceived view of anybody working in Whitehall at that stage .
30 Perhaps , she thought , that was what all this was to him .
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