Example sentences of "[be] but a " in BNC.

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1 You 're but a sprout of a Squat . ’
2 The stillness at dawn had been but a prelude .
3 ‘ It must be the full moon , ’ Lee grumbled , melting butter in a saucepan , and then remembered that the moon had been but a sliver the previous night .
4 And for those whose familiarity with the Irish composer John Field has been but a brief bumble through the simpler of his nocturnes , to hear O'Conor 's enthusiasm is to experience some of the ripple of Field 's remarkable melodic flow .
5 She has n't been one of the harvesters , she 's been but a gleaner , but God has provided for her .
6 On the accession of Henry Tudor , the Shepherd Lord , as the young Clifford was known , was given back his lands and his faithful retainer knighted at his request ; ‘ I am but a simple man , Your Majesty , and I know not how I should be styled , ’ the good servant protested .
7 He says " I am but a signpost pointing the way " .
8 I am but a poor clerk !
9 These are but a few of the hazards that can wreck the look and expression of the choreographic design .
10 These are but a handful of key motor racing personalities round whom Prost weaves an absorbing range of anecdotes and gossip .
11 These are but a few of the variables .
12 All chalks , including Belemnite chalk , are fundamentally composed of coccoliths ; the belemnites are but a tiny percentage and are also to be found in some seams of Micraster chalk to a greater or lesser degree .
13 These are but a few of the self-created problems we 've seen around the festivals .
14 Yes , it 's all go on the rumour exchange and let me stress that these are but a few of the juiciest .
15 And whenever you wish to venture beyond the peaceful slumber of the countryside , you 'll find that many lively towns and villages with intriguing names are but a short drive away .
16 Yet whenever you feel the urge to venture forth into civilisation again — perhaps for a romantic dinner a deux , or a soothing massage in the capable hands of a master masseur — the first class Hotel and adjoining Country Club are but a short walk from your front door .
17 Of course if you are inclined towards more leisurely pursuits , you 'll find that many interesting and beautiful places to explore are but a short drive away .
18 Yet the ideas used to justify the existence and work of the media , such as the ‘ freedom of the press ’ , are ideas whose true meanings are but a memory of past struggles in very different circumstances .
19 These are but a few of the principal sources of authoritative information that AIB look to when their own knowledge of a subject is insufficient to resolve the problem at hand .
20 Early flowering plants such as marsh marigolds , spring squill and thrift are but a memory as the rich smell of cloves wafts across the fields from the stands of bog asphodel .
21 The numbers of ‘ tumuli ’ — burial mounds of the Bronze Age — as well as the site of Arbury Banks — are but a pale reflection of the dense prehistoric and later settlement in this area .
22 The motivation for the ideator is quite varied : playfulness , fear of failure , and stress reduction are but a few .
23 This is largely due to the fact that the cost of prototypes in their industry are but a fraction of that of an aircraft .
24 Master administrator , father figure , the last hope for flared trousers , these are but a few of the attributes a manager must posses .
25 There are a variety of excellent schools in the area , and the playing fields and tennis course of North Oxford are but a short walk away .
26 Among orthodox men of learning the biblical axiom that species are fixed entities established by God at the Creation gradually became qualified by the doctrine of plenitude , the Great Chain of Being , which declared that God , as artist creator , would necessarily have created all possible creatures in all possible worlds , and that the creatures which we now know on earth are but a fraction of those which exist in the universe .
27 The past 45 years are but a fraction of more than 2,000 years of recorded European civilisation , yet we have achieved much .
28 The Grand Hotel , Brighton , the Caledonian Hotel , Edinburgh and the luxury liner QEII are but a few of their more noteworthy contracts .
29 While the reforms of 1988/89 do go some way towards creating a more effective regional policy in that the dispersion of funds has shifted towards the poorer regions , given the gulf between the rhetoric of the commitment to balanced development and the extent of subsequent policy action , it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the issue of space and the impact of EC policies over space are but a minimal consideration in the design of a greater vision .
30 Though to date there are but a handful in the Catholic sector , their potential use as centres for post 16 adult religious education , as well as for serving the needs of the community as a whole , including the unemployed , is an exciting one .
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