Example sentences of "[be] feel that " in BNC.

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1 As one of Francesca 's DTI colleagues had maliciously observed , it had been felt that fraternization with the American colleagues could be carried too far .
2 ‘ Principally , ’ I continued , ‘ it has been felt that Father should no longer be asked to wait at table , whether or not guests are present . ’
3 There has been a tendency more recently , however , for deaf people to be wary of consecutive interpreting where they may feel information is added to , or subtracted from , the message ( Allsop and Kyle , 1982 ) , even though for spoken languages it has usually been felt that consecutive interpreting is much more effective and much easier to check for the validity of the interpretation ( Herbert , 1978 ) .
4 The praise bestowed on the adaptation of literary classics , the films of the foreign directors , and the role of Vidor always stressed the relative realism of these films compared with the standard product and was testimony to the extent to which the feature film had moved away from the era of social preoccupations when it had been felt that social preaching was the obvious subject-matter for Hollywood .
5 Initially it had been felt that some families failed to take advantage of the services offered by the welfare state and , despite the basic social services , they fell into poverty and sickness , remained ignorant of the skills and attitudes needed to cope with life and failed to find accommodation for themselves .
6 Like many people , maybe you 're feeling that there should be more to a summer holiday than sun , sea and of course , crowds .
7 The poets Czeslaw Milosz and Donald Davie have been bothered by the insufficiency and irresponsibility of the lyric genre , and it could be felt that Kundera goes further than they do in denouncing the lyric , and fares worse .
8 It may be felt that replacing two straight cores with a ring structure is too drastic a change to gloss over , but the mechanism is not too different in the two cases .
9 The review of the recording of La Mer is especially interesting for the debate it prompts within Porter himself , who admits to a prejudice against some Karajan performances , not before they start , but within moments of the opening , when it might be felt that — in those days — too much was being made of the music .
10 It therefore may be felt that the thesis can not serve for the analysis of political authority .
11 Naturally this will also involve a much more critical look at the existing syllabuses and there will be areas where it will be felt that curriculum reforms consistent with enlightened teaching and effective learning are imperative .
12 It might be felt that this is not perhaps the set of circumstances in which ignoring ail Continental experience would seem to be a logical and easily justified decision .
13 It may be felt that , when used with care , the maximin approach adequately reflects a conservative philosophy of decision-making .
14 On the one hand , it may well be felt that an old person 's wish to stay with a carer should be respected unless their mental state is so gravely impaired that they literally do not know what they are doing .
15 Physical abuse is not known to be extensive and it may be felt that it has been excessively discussed in the context of ‘ dependence and independence ’ .
16 It may be felt that this analysis has only theoretical value at most .
17 For instance , using only components of the quartal chord D , G , C , F , we can move as follows , by abandoning the strict use of fourths without transposition , and using the notes in different groupings and in different registers : In spite of the abandoning of strict usages of harmony in fourths , it will be felt that in the above example the same harmonic mood persists throughout .
18 From the production of these budgets it may be felt that certain aspects of the budgets need to be amended before they become operational .
19 It may be felt that the better course is not to deal with such matters in the partnership agreement itself but to leave the offer of consultancy to be produced as an inducement to or reward for retirement at such time as may appear to be in the firm 's best interests .
20 It should not be felt that selling overseas is such a specialist and complex area that the uninitiated must for ever be excluded , or that membership can only be purchased at the expense of having very costly specialist services .
21 I 'm feel that it is the remit of this council , or indeed other district councils to talk about the whole of the county of Cambridgeshire , particularly when they start mucking around with issues well outside their own geographical area .
22 Friends may refrain from expressing any sympathy because they feel that it might be inappropriate and embarrassing for her , and she may be feeling that people will regard her as a hypocrite if she gives way and weeps , although she may need to do this for a variety of reasons , one of them being not so much for what she has lost , but for what she never had .
23 I am sure you will be feeling that it has all been worthwhile .
24 By this stage , you could be feeling that you are quite an old hand at Christmas video making ; if so , recording the party should be child 's play in every sense .
25 Children may be feeling that this is the only safe way they have of proving how good they can be .
26 And do n't be feeling that you have to stay in with the family .
27 Hal 's cooking was becoming more and more rushed , the fatty 's felt that they were going to become thin in a matter of seconds and the ‘ skinnys ’ were very hungry .
28 It is felt that if the Government did lift the veto , it would be obliged to allow any company to bid for Jaguar .
29 The past six months have made it clear that latent isolationism can be inflamed if it is felt that the allies are shirking .
30 The reason for keeping women and men separated is that it is felt that a man can not concentrate on prayer when women are in close proximity .
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