Example sentences of "[be] three time " in BNC.

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1 They 're three times thicker than most other wipes , and big enough to cover a whole grown-up hand .
2 As a result in some parts of the country you 're three times more likely to be cautioned than in others .
3 This letter is incomplete in the Darlington collection , but it obviously contained much of use to Bartram whose draft reply ( in the Library of the American Philosophical Society ) dated February 1759 stated that had the postage been three times more he would not have missed it .
4 Since then it has been three times enlarged , in width , length and depth .
5 At the same time Brotherton ( 1983 ) using documentary evidence has demonstrated that the rate of afforestation has been three times greater outside the National Parks .
6 From April 1 , 1989 , the limit for advice and assistance provided to a petitioner for divorce or judicial separation has been three times the sum for preparation for magistrates ' court criminal proceedings ; and in other cases , two times that sum .
7 The servants say the doctor 's been three times but been forced to leave again without seeing him .
8 The lad next to me he 'd been three times !
9 DATA OF the sort released in Sweden , which warns that motorists are three times more likely to die in crashes in some makes of car , is kept from British drivers , the Consumers ' Association says today .
10 WOMEN are three times more likely than men to contract HIV through sex with an infected partner , a study claimed yesterday .
11 Worker bees are three times more closely related to their full sisters than to their half sisters , so workers could enhance their fitness by raising a full sister as the new queen when the colony swarms .
12 Convictions for drink/ driving offences among women are three times the 1974 level .
13 Polo boots are three times cheaper than they are in the UK . ’
14 Teetotallers are three times more likely to develop tiresome winter snuffles than moderate drinkers , researchers have found .
15 Baby Fresh wipes are three times thicker than ordinary wipes .
16 By 17 years of age the children of obese parents are three times more likely to be obese than children of thin parents .
17 There are three times as many arrests in the capital than in the rest of the country .
18 The males , now about 18 inches long , may have spent only three years in the rivers ; the females in the higher reaches may have been there for as many as eight or nine and are three times as long .
19 Also , as a result of their greater longevity , elderly women are more than twice as likely as men to be widowed and , as a consequence of this and the lower propensity of the current generation ( if not succeeding ones ) to have married in the first place , they are three times as likely to be living alone .
20 They are three times more likely than older men to be living alone and only half as likely to have a spouse .
21 Life expectancy at 72 years is the same as in countries where incomes are three times higher .
22 Class shows itself in the fact that women who are council tenants are three times more likely to be sexually assaulted , than those who are owner-occupiers .
23 Black defendants are three times more likely to receive a custodial sentence than whites .
24 I got the same punishment as people who are three times over the limit .
25 The Apex Trust work shows that ex-offenders in employment are three times less likely to offend than those who are unemployed , which is remarkable .
26 The Thai government itself admits that the lowest reported blood lead levels are three times higher than those in the West .
27 The latest research shows that smokers are three times as likely to die in middle age than non-smokers .
28 A follow-up of the study made in 1951 by Sir Richard and his colleague Austin Bradford , has found smokers are three times as likely as non-smokers to die in middle age .
29 For example , a manufacturer of bathroom and kitchen taps might wish to assess the potential market for taps in country A and country B. The income per capita in country A might be three times the income per capita in country B , and so the manufacturer might assess the potential market for taps to be three times as large in country A as in country B. However , the inhabitants of country B might live in larger houses than people in country A , and the country B houses might have an average 1 ½ times more bathrooms/kitchens .
30 For example , a manufacturer of bathroom and kitchen taps might wish to assess the potential market for taps in country A and country B. The income per capita in country A might be three times the income per capita in country B , and so the manufacturer might assess the potential market for taps to be three times as large in country A as in country B. However , the inhabitants of country B might live in larger houses than people in country A , and the country B houses might have an average 1 ½ times more bathrooms/kitchens .
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