Example sentences of "[be] get as " in BNC.

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1 She shooed him , and the old man , laughing now , obeyed her , saying , ‘ You 're gettin' as bossy as your dad . ’
2 Rubbish , said the voice , you 're getting as hysterical as Lou …
3 The girls plan to pitch their talents against the boys at the end of term , so they 're getting as much practice as possible .
4 I think you 're getting as bad as me .
5 ‘ They are getting as good prices as the fishermen in this country but our fishermen , although perhaps disappointed at price levels , know how to behave and it is about time the Frenchmen took a leaf out of their book . ’
6 ‘ If it was n't for that poor bugger , I would be getting as pissed as a bishop 's fart in the Crossed Keys and you would be back in your decrepit church feeding that bloody cat or watching your bloody stars !
7 ‘ Now you know the truth , the Lady Prioress is no longer needed and Ranulf must be getting as cold as I am . ’
8 ‘ I do n't really agree with it , ’ said Armstrong whose wallet would certainly not be getting as heavy as other coaches brought in to knock teams into shape .
9 However , if our main aim had been to get as many ‘ ordinary people ’ involved as possible , this was in danger of being frustrated by the sheer bureaucracy of the process .
10 Oh it was just sold we were getting as much for the wool then as for .
11 ‘ If one of those human soldiers were to get as much as a good whiff of this hot pot of mine , well like as not he 'd be knocked clean off his feet , and should he , by some act of unforgivable negligence on our part , actually eat some — well , I for one would n't like to be held responsible . ’
12 E 's getting as bad as thee . ’
13 ‘ It 's getting as bad as the days of cutthroat razors .
14 They must always be on the lookout for the stalking feline hunter , whose aim is to get as close as possible before beginning the chase .
15 The aim is to get as close as possible to the socially efficient allocation E ' ; while allowing the monopolist to break even after allowing a proper deduction for all economic costs .
16 The trick is to get as much of the system installed as you can alongside the existing system so that you can change over all in one go .
17 ‘ Off the mat ’ the club is involved in other activities , such as fitness weekend camps where the rule is to get as muddy as possible .
18 The basis of our decision before was my people work very closely say take with the national account people in right , and the main objective there is to get as much business from the corporate accounts as they 're responsible for like or whoever .
19 Our aim is to get as many points as possible and as quickly as possible .
20 God Almighty , he was getting as bad as Maurice Cullam !
21 But just when I was feeling at home in the loin-cloth and boot polish , and when I 'd learned my lines before anyone else and was getting as competent as a little orangutan on the scaffolding , I saw that our conflicts had n't ended .
22 Well at that time I was getting as much as ten bob a week .
23 By this time I was getting as bad as Danny .
24 The TV high in the corner was tuned to KWEX and the Spanish commentator was getting as frantic as the fighters .
25 She was getting as bad as Lizzie .
26 I was concerned , Dennis has never been given any schedule since he last spoke to erm Arthur which was get as much down as you can boy .
27 The aim was to get as close as possible to the real time setting while falling short of the search itself .
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