Example sentences of "[be] say on " in BNC.

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1 It had all been said on the track where both McLaren 's new MP4/7As , driven by Senna and team-mate Gerhard Berger , were non-finishers .
2 Nothing more had been said on that subject .
3 Much has been said on North South dialogues ; some sense and some nonsense .
4 It has been said on high authority that
5 Mr. Speaker : I am sure that the Leader of the House has listened carefully and will have noted what has been said on this important matter .
6 For instance , Hickey includes many conversational passages that purport to be verbatim records , but must be reconstructions of what Hickey thought was appropriate to have been said on the occasion .
7 They say my accent is 'orrible , but at least I can understand what they 're saying on the pitch and suss out their Machiavellian little games . ’
8 I ca n't understand a word they 're saying on the television and the streets of London seem to be full of people in tennis clothes .
9 What we 're saying on the whole is that we , we are moving south erm militarily we , we now control most of north China , we begin to move on to the into areas of very high tenancy where landlordism was thought to be at its extreme but all we 're doing is reducing rents and interest rents .
10 I think it 's also worth just bearing in mind that we 're talking about only one percent of the erm of the farmed land i in this county , we 're not talking about banning hunting in in er in Leicestershire , we 're talking about what we 're saying on one percent there are tens of thousand of fields in in this county nothing can change overnight , even if this er motion goes through because the tenants will still have the rights to decide , it 's only when you actually start getting to new tenancy agreements that you will be in a position if you wish , to start to change things and therefore I suppose at the end of erm , at the end of five years you might have a hundred or two hundred fields on which this ban will apply but you will still have tens of thousand of fields on which the , the hunt will still be , the hunts in this county will still be free to , erm , to operate .
11 What I think we 're saying on this side of the house , I do n't know if we 're saying it loud enough or it 's going to have effect , is that we must reduce the number of rules and regulations , you do n't actually need the body which the honourable member 's talking about .
12 do you see , do you understand the basis on what you 're saying on that then ?
13 His straighter , that 's far too many , let's have a look at what you 're saying on the phone , let's really , really home in on that , and practice , and practice , and practice .
14 Liam I can hear everything you 're saying on this Meg you know , really clearly .
15 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will contrive to listen to what I am saying on this complicated matter .
16 In case anyone should think that some of our commentary on IBM Corp and its problems is a little apocalyptic , hear what they are saying on the other side of the Atlantic : ‘ With IBM , there 's a question in my mind whether the company is going to exist five years from now , ’ Kenneth Heebner of Boston fund manager Capital Growth Management commented to the Wall Street Journal .
17 ‘ I know exactly what they have been saying on TV .
18 Despite the millions of words that have been written and spoken on the subject of ‘ 1992 ’ , there still appears to be much more to be said on the subject .
19 It must be said on James 's behalf that he refrained from doing so .
20 A memorandum by Thomas Cromwell in 1533 of matters to be discussed with the King includes things to be said on the departure of the Bavarian ambassador , the interrogation of a friar named Reysbye , the treatment of certain other friars who had been in contact with Rome , the folding of cloth in the north of England , the offer made to the King by the executors of Lord Dacre of the South in an important test case , and the affairs of a reputed idiot named Ralph Francis .
21 " Gentlemen , " interrupted the Collector , " it 's clear that the difference between you is a deeply felt and scientific one which none of us here are qualified for adjudicating To an impartial observer it seems that there 's something to be said on either side …
22 Difficult though it would undoubtedly be for him I do not understand it to be said on his behalf that it would be impossible .
23 Both counsel and judges follow the punctilios of court procedure and conduct , and a few words may be said on these .
24 There was no more to be said on that subject .
25 Of course , it might still be said on behalf of the 1981 arrangements that making houses bid for bills , when buying or selling , is a genuine step towards market pricing of bills .
26 More will be said on that point later .
27 Type 7 His book covers most that need be said on the subject .
28 More will be said on the discrepancies between the workshop and Hemingway versions in the following section , where some further explanations will be offered as to why such dissimilarities occur .
29 The er the er it has to be said on this side I suspect that the brevity of that speech was quite welcome , only because er I think er a number of us were n't altogether sure how how much time we would , we would get in this er debate after the front bench speaks , speeches .
30 Unfortunately the government is assuming that 's all we are doing so they 're cutting housing subsidy accordingly and we would have been left with no choice , that 's all there is to be said on the matter .
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