Example sentences of "[be] as [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Wo n't be as after I 've give him one
2 Though Cognitive–Behavioural Marital Therapy has consistently been found to be as or more effective than any other type of marital therapy , nevertheless in terms of the proportion of clients that actually improve , the results are quite modest .
3 Everything possible must be done , he wrote , and yet it must be as though nothing had been done .
4 I want it to be as though I had never been .
5 I want it to be as though I had never taken that turning .
6 This time next week it 'll be as though you 'd been there all your life .
7 For a time it will be as though the locusts had invaded parts of the heart of the garden of England .
8 It will be as though twenty years have slipped away , and Gerda is sitting by my side at the Volksoper , and Georg is at home , a nice normal , cheerful little boy , and our farm is beginning to make money at last , and the future looks wonderful . ’
9 I said , oh I 'm glad you approve being as though it 's mine and it 's my house , I can eat what I want !
10 Erm , it 's once a week , but I think they 're coming in the they 're here twice this week er , and I think , it 's as and when they can , so if it 's more than once a week then they will be here .
11 It 's as though you put together Coriolanus , Henry IV , Hamlet and the Tempest .
12 It 's as though only the worst in human beings is what 's real , the hard core of reality .
13 It 's as though you 'd found — Jane Austen 's love letters ?
14 They 're like a film you 've seen — no , it 's worse , they 're not even inside your memory , they disappear , it 's as though you never had them .
15 It 's as though I 'm bleeding inside ’ .
16 I do n't see them very often but when we meet it 's as though we 'd seen each other yesterday .
17 It 's as though that 's exactly the present the industry was hoping to find under the tree .
18 It 's just standing there , and you take one [ garment ] from the pile and stick it on the ironing board and iron it , fold it , and put it down , take the next one — and it 's as though it 's never going to end .
19 Right so if you put the number in front , it 's as though you 've got brackets around the whole lot .
20 It 's as though I 'm holding everything that I want in all the world … there in the palm of my hand .
21 It 's as though she was giving herself a treat . "
22 Add positive three , see this thing of using the same symbol for add and for positive is very confusing , very confusing , it 's as though , you know you 're speaking a different language where one word has about fifteen different meanings and you ca n't understand what they 're talking about most of the time .
23 Now it 's all got to stop and it 's as though something wonderful is going to end .
24 Very sharp it 's as though something 's bursting .
25 ‘ It 's as though someone hates me , ’ she said , ‘ and I do n't know what I 've done to make anyone feel that way . ’
26 It 's as though you have to show that you — ’
27 He 's complaining because I , well it 's as though we run a minute mile .
28 It 's as though they were on a family outing !
29 It 's as though
30 Well , we 've met the guy who lives up above us , because he jumped out of bed , they 've got french windows like we have , up above there , and he jumped out , and we were just sitting watching the telly or something , we heard these footsteps like going across the ceiling , it 's as though we could see 'em , cos we could sort of hear it and feel it .
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