Example sentences of "[be] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , keel-haul me fer a Spanisher , ’ Susan exclaimed , ‘ ye 're as scurvy a shipment o ’ cut-throats as any that e'er sailed the Main .
2 His main role will be as ambassador for Weatherill 's in America , where the firm hopes to find a new market .
3 The future will not be as God/dess or fate decrees , but as we design it .
4 However good they might be as students , their families feel that marriage is infinitely preferable to a college career .
5 MacLachlan , moreover , was not averse to seeking further advantages for himself , for while acknowledging Milton 's assistance in getting him a tack of two farms in Morvern for nineteen years , which would scarcely appear to be a short lease , he complained that he had been informed that other tenants had obtained tacks of three times the length of that which he had from the Duke of Argyll , urging that he could ‘ be as usefull as any in that Countrey by introduceing a cheap method of improvement and otherwise ’ .
6 No doubt Clinton will soon be as shit as every previous president : breaking promises , screwing up the economy , stomping on small countries .
7 MGM was not quite as happy with The Crowd ( 1928 ) , which was held back for a year and temporarily given a happy ending and which proved only to be as Kine Weekly predicted ‘ a sound box office success ’ rather than a runaway winner .
8 The ideal time to make that kind of break would be as Sun shifts over to an object-oriented operating system , its next operating systems move , McNealy said .
9 But his chief duty will be as coach to a club looking to overhaul their playing structure ready for the move to top-class new facilities the season after next .
10 In these days of competitive air fares many overseas locations can be as cost effective as being in the UK .
11 You shall be as marble until …
12 It is a remarkable fact , Mr Hopkins , that the argument used by the serpent to seduce Eve from her allegiance to her Creator is almost precisely that used by the Editor of The Times : " Ye shall be as GODS , knowing good and evil " … that is , as wise as God Himself ! "
13 But her best-known theatre role in the city has to be as Shirley Valentine , the acclaimed Willy Russell play that she took all over the country four years ago .
14 Er and it may well be as Mr has suggested that when we look at it it is not a problem .
15 But it may well be as Mr suggested that er there 's l there 's gon na be very little difficulty there .
16 That 's exactly what I was going to say , Mr Chairman , it 's , it might be as Mr says , or it may , it may well make matters worse , I do n't think we should get into the debate on how the national government are doing ,
17 ‘ No , no , you see , we are in Rome and must be as Romans … ’
18 Until then her sole performance would be as guest of honour that evening at the Eastbourne Conservative Club , where she had been asked to unveil a bust in commemoration of Dr Bodkin Adams .
19 Wishes can of course be fulfilled or remain unfulfilled and things may or may not be as people with certain attitudes would like , but it would be thoroughly misleading to speak of truth or falsehood here .
20 On most street corners there are cigarette machines ( the Germans do n't seem to be as health conscious as we are ) .
21 The thematic of historicity … has always been required by the determination of Being as presence
22 In Nils Enkvist 's words , " styles come into being as aggregates of probabilities of expression in situational contexts , or , more briefly , as aggregates of contextual probabilities " ( p. 129 ) .
23 The behaviourist theory of knowledge says that for someone , S , to know or believe that some proposition p is true is for S to be disposed to behave in some way which is supposed to be appropriate to the world 's being as p says .
24 Being as Liverpool had never seen a skate comp before , the atmosphere at Dan-Z 's was riotous — even though it was only a mini ramp .
25 In Jesus ' own relation of sonship to the Father , a relation which is mediated and empowered by the Holy Spirit , the triune structure of God 's own eternal being as Father , Son and Holy Spirit is shown as the eternal ground within God of the human person and history of Jesus .
26 The world itself is presented as a kind of self-projection of Geist , in which it brings itself into being as Nature , and so as over against itself ( thesis and antithesis ) .
27 Against all the odds it has worked , and this is a measure of just how strong they both were as individuals when they came to the marriage ten years ago .
28 In Birmingham , the largest number of placements for juveniles during the first eighteen months of the scheme were as messengers and porters , workers in drilling , milling , engineering , and brass foundries , business clerks , and labourers in warehouses .
29 People were as plants , cultivated or wild , all subjected to growth , only requiring sustenance , a space to live , to exist .
30 He 'd been doing solo club pa 's as Zura C before the pair met .
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