Example sentences of "[be] on this " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll talk to you for all the time we 're on this train .
2 So what I want you to do is to follow these little chips er dimples here , they 're on this stone there 're a few on that but not on here , so that bit it goes in that direction .
3 Now while we 're on this point about what exactly am I entitled to , erm we ought to say a word about credit notes cos there are a lot of shops who say well erm you know it is it is n't company policy to , it is n't our policy to offer refunds , but we 're quite happy to offer you a credit note .
4 As a matter of fact a fre fellow named lived in here and he was a traveller to er George he 's one of the best , biggest rim lockmakers in the town , anyway , they 're on this erm now and er he was going round for orders for regulars of his , for his firm and somebody , one day , asked him look here , we 've got a little awkward job here , you know anybody the can you do it ?
5 While we 're on this question , one of the few things that er Theresa did n't say , although perhaps she might have said it when I was n't , I do n't think she did but one of the few things she did n't say is why Freud disapproved of the typical kind of dream book you find in any book shop .
6 Well you 've got the book , so No we 're on this one now .
7 ‘ May I come in here : I 'm on this scheme for tonight . ’
8 ‘ I know I wo n't keep doing it at this rate but while I 'm on this streak I 'll take full advantage of it . ’
9 ‘ I 'm on this milk shake diet , and it 's really working .
10 ‘ We 'll be able to go out a bit while I 'm on this early shift , ’ she said consolingly .
11 Erm , I 'm on this occasion I 'll keep as close to this as I can possibly go .
12 I was n't going to finish until now , I 'm on this
13 ‘ My broken engagement to Miss Sandra Bamfield is part of the reason I 'm on this side of the ocean , I guess . ’
14 I wan na be on this course findin' out .
15 All the emphasis , she felt , must be on this coming as an order which could not be disobeyed and yet put in such a way as not to be offensive .
16 Above us , they indulge in fits of nostalgia , remembering the heady days of the Poll Tax riots , and in artificially enlarging the number present with all those who are there in spirit : ‘ There are a lot of people who would like to be on this demonstration .
17 Of the former criteria , arts broadcaster Melvyn Bragg could be on this weekend 's list .
18 ‘ God sent all artists here because it can be such a drag to be on this planet , ’ said the star .
19 What harm could there be on this night of all nights , the dowager-duchess asked herself , in Joan de Warenne representing her who is in fact her half-sister ?
20 So what 's gon na be on this stall then ?
21 So it proved to be on this occasion .
22 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Lion might not be on this book list , but in the short sub-section of ‘ Finance and Government ’ were old conspiratorial favourites : F.J. Irsigier 's Who Makes Our Money ? ,
23 Let's say that 's erm Euston to Manchester is a hundred and sixty miles , so where would Euston be on this ?
24 Or has it got ta be on this line here ?
25 She would not be on this earth much longer .
26 Ships did not often come down this coast , and I said to myself , ‘ I 'm going to be on this island for a long time . ’
27 which was made up of local towns people , you know , and and er I mean you did n't have to be a a notary in the town to be on this er Co board th th You know you could be one of the riveters you were talking about earlier .
28 ‘ Now my job 's up north , or I would n't be on this train now .
29 Did it have to be on this evening that Kate , that notorious hedgerow flirt , should have come in early to steal his mission of mercy and love ?
30 Commenting on the report , FAO director-general Edouard Saouma said : " Are we going to have enough good land to feed the extra 2.6 billion people who will be on this planet by the year 2025 ? "
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