Example sentences of "[be] with some " in BNC.

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1 There you are with some glum , drunken , disapproving monster and you creep round asking him what 's wrong and trying to cheer him up . ’
2 If I could have departed then , never reentered the house , it would have been with some strength of mind .
3 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
4 It must have been with some degree of cautiousness and a heightened sense of responsibility that Gould once more stocked up on shot , caps , and powder on his way back through Launceston for the journey home .
5 Wallace came on shortly before time and showed what could have been with some fast ground-oriented attacking .
6 He 'd be with some woman , no doubt , a man like that .
7 Ben he spotted me on these occasions he invariably called out some mocking remark and if he happened to be with some of his cronies they all joined in the laughter at my expense .
8 During the past week there have been several occasions where people have been meddling with candles and other things in the church , including the money boxes yet again , and so it is with some sadness that I have decided to keep the church locked during the holiday period .
9 It is with some pride that I am able to bring you a useful etiquette tip from the Denis Thatcher Handbook Of Handy Hints For Husbands .
10 So it is with some surprise that the soft left has found itself endorsing Byrne 's view of the conduct of those around him .
11 It is with some reluctance that I have to strongly disagree with one of my fellow presidents , but some of the impressions that her article creates are very misleading and , in some cases , offensive .
12 It is with some trepidation , therefore , that we now suggest one or two newer ways to enjoy Wensleydale .
13 It is with some personal relief , still distressed at my cosmic shortcomings , that I learn that the UFO-spotting records of the male members of Deee-Lite is rather less impressive .
14 Someone as beautiful as you , I suppose your heart is with some young man ? ’
15 Like Li Yuan , his respect is not a matter of rote , as it is with some of this new generation , but a deep-rooted thing .
16 As English Heritage do not like us , it is with some glee that I report dissent in their own ranks .
17 It is with some sadness we said Goodbye recently to Tom Bryce who left us under SVS .
18 It is with some trepidation that I mention our feathered friends — LARUS CANUS — the common gull .
19 A useful place to start such a discussion is with some recent research on the African bourgeoisie .
20 The other difficulty I have is with some of these criteria and their use at a strategic level .
21 Companies which find it more difficult because it 's the centre of their existence , erm , are clearly looking at the situation , but will actually take a very long time to move to the position which you , in your particular group would like them to occupy , and I understand that , changing in I C I is rather different from changing at I B M , and er , therefore it takes longer , but I do see a a consciousness , it 's the same conscious , you 're impatient for change , quite rightly , companies of course , have to keep their employees in an earning capacity , at the same time , er , move towards the position which you would like to them to do , and it may take a long time , but I accept your point , which is with some companies , then in fact , your clearly going to get attention of some kind .
22 It is with some photos .
23 His name was Jack Barnes and he 's with some firm called Woodlands Incorporated . "
24 what are the con it it 's with some schools are putting in
25 Do you reckon he 's with some young lady , enjoying an al fresco lunch ? ’
26 Like Terry Venables calling for a pre-match arsenic , the old trouper knows that the best way to disarm your critics is to make ‘ em laugh , but the joke has been wearing a bit thin , and it was with some relief that he swopped his sheepish smile for a satisfied one .
27 So it was with some surprise a few years ago that our attention was drawn from the dull French film noir onscreen to the back of the cinema , where a couple were resolving a lovers ' squabble .
28 It was with some excitement that Wilson greeted the Misses Wynne on October 1st and she was aware that the challenge of preparing for them had in some curious way made her feel better .
29 It was with some surprise that Mr Popple , smoking a cigarette in the hospital reception , received the news that his wife did not in fact have an ulcer .
30 So it was with some hope that I travelled to Scotland .
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