Example sentences of "[be] she could " in BNC.

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1 No , there 's been she could say what she doing ?
2 It was a high one , but although she was confident she could climb it , she knew that if she tried to do so she would risk being seen from the house ; but beside it was a shallow grassy ditch were she could remain out of sight , so bending double she ran along this ditch , and came to the spot where she had seen Tristram .
3 But what they were she could not quite put her finger on .
4 She said to me when they find out what it is she could soon have you on your feet , but she thought it were that shadow on me lung .
5 She got herself a job in Reading college , she got somebody to take her down there and a place to get an English A Level , and Mary said it 's a thing with her she wants to get this English A Level cos her father had one and she feels that is she could get and English A Level it would impress him , he , she spends her life trying to impress her father who does n't really takes much notice of her , .
6 Only thing she were n't chuffed about is she could n't cash cheque , it had to go all through bank and everything .
7 But the tragedy is she could have known those blessings all through those years , if she had never left if she had never gone down to Moab .
8 Who he was she could n't say , because the room was too dark , but he must have left the front door open and the wind must have caught it and made it shut with a crash .
9 The truth was she could n't even afford to go to London , let alone Australia .
10 If conditions did n't improve soon she 'd be in very real danger of getting stuck in the snow — as it was she could n't have said with any real certainty whether she was driving on the road or in a field .
11 What it was she could n't guess , but his enmity seemed deeper than it should have been , given that they 'd only just met .
12 Until he told her what it was she could n't even deny having it .
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