Example sentences of "[be] a small " in BNC.

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1 And BP Coal is paying £1,000 per borehole , which is a lot of money if you 're a small farmer who is dependent upon eel fishing for economic survival .
2 We 're a small happy club
3 The threateningly titled ‘ Live Vol 1 ’ is easier to live without unless you 're a small convert already .
4 Well , it was like waiting for Christmas when you 're a small child : every day seems to last about six months .
5 I thought I had that in my introductory letter , the one that says we 're a small company making recordings , we 're currently collecting recordings of erm sort of English as used in everyday situations and we would like to record on your premises if we may .
6 But we 're a small country now : we ca n't afford big mistakes . ’
7 They cost £2.50 a quarter , but are so rich they 're a small treat you can spread out .
8 and I got a greater kinship because they 're a small group .
9 Yeah , we can always get hold of them it 's just that we do n't carry them , we 're a small branch you see
10 No I do n't mean you 're a small size .
11 I am a small and thin person and being fat was great !
12 And the fact that I am a small blonde is probably a bonus on this occasion .
13 " I am a small one-man business , but I think I am equally efficient .
14 When she had been a tiny child , and Fenna had still been a small , manageable and undemanding dragon she had , often spoken of him , to her mother who had grinned , to her grandmother who had smiled , and to her schoolteachers and friends , who had laughed indulgently .
15 Mompesson , whose wife was among those to succumb , wrote that Eyam had become ‘ a Golgotha — a place of skulls ; and had there no been a small remnant of us left , we had been as Sodom and Gomorrah .
16 There are occasional references to fullers during the 13th and 14th centuries but theirs must have been a small scale operation compared to that encountered further downstream around Cirencester .
17 There have been a small number of fairly successful conservation projects , notably Chang Mei , and at Ma Sae ( UNEP 1979 : 83 ) , but they do not materially detract from the view that Thai conservation policy is not succeeding in reversing national trends of rapid forest clearance and increasing erosion hazards .
18 If you had been a small shopkeeper with some money why might you have done the same ?
19 It is a large church for what has always been a small village — perhaps the work of some medieval lord of the manor intent on impressing the neighbouring gentry .
20 It is true that there has been a small electoral earthquake in Europe , but not many people have been hurt , and those that were thoroughly deserved it .
21 And a mess of twisted brass bonded with what had once been a small but efficient pulse-receiver .
22 I never thought it would work like this : having been a small child in the 50s when women dressed more or less identically and according to their age and class ( gymslip , good suit , housecoat , then cardigan and pinny ) , I used to think that it was beautifully liberating in the 60s and 70s when convention began to permit a woman of any age to dress in virtually any style , from hooker to schoolmarm .
23 It has been suggested that the Bredcroft site might have been a small sub-Roman settlement in the period between the decline of Great Casterton and the growth of Stamford .
24 The children , however , were persistent and led the way round to the side of the building , stopping at what had probably been a small parcels office .
25 Triton , the largest satellite of Neptune , goes round the planet in the opposite direction to Neptune 's other moons , and may originally have been a small planet in its own right which was captured by Neptune 's gravity .
26 What had been a small dark circle was a larger dark circle , with just a suspicion of smoke or steam around its edges .
27 Lucille 's home was very grandly called a château , though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm with a crenellated tower to remind passers-by that the building had once been a small fortress .
28 The number of bishops attending , at least until Vatican I , has been a small proportion of the total , and membership has not always been restricted to bishops , or even to clergy .
29 There is also a small late building on a totally different alignment ( almost east-west ) which could perhaps have been a small Christian shrine , erected to counteract pagan influence .
30 There has been a small input from RTE .
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