Example sentences of "[conj] [being] seen " in BNC.

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1 The music , the crowd , dancing , drinking , drugs , hiding out , watching or being seen ?
2 I risked them seeing me so as to try to hear , but in fact by the time I could hear them they were shouting , which meant I could listen through the doorway without seeing them or being seen .
3 They are sometimes loathe to tell men that they have a baby for fear of being rebuffed or being seen as easy , like Shona , now twenty with a daughter of two :
4 Justice was neither being done nor being seen to be done .
5 I was also delighted that at last there had been an acknowledgement of the fact that I had a role in what was happening rather than being seen as a bystander in an event that would , all being well , change our lives beyond recognition .
6 Aware that absolute holists can not live up to their own tenets , they offer a different distinction between the two approaches so that , rather than being seen as strict alternatives , they are held to be complementary .
7 Rather than being seen as partners in the search for a solution parents may be seen as part of the problem ( Moses and Croll 1987 , Wood 1988 ) .
8 The delay between this booking-in and being seen by the doctor varies from day to day , from hour to hour , and from clinic to clinic .
9 But the problem remained of seeing and being seen .
10 The crew of the Arun and Mersey class lifeboats are pictured ready to Poole Quay on 23 May 1991 and being seen off by the director , Brian Miles ( centre ) flanked by the two coxswains , Staff Coxswain Mike Houchen ( right ) and divisional inspector Les Vipond ( left ) .
11 ‘ I expect it 's a bit strange , ’ she said , ‘ all that Chapel and being seen and not heard .
12 The shameful thing was doing it in front of strangers , and being seen by your friends in the process .
13 But the problem remained of seeing and being seen .
14 Having a senior member of the management team actively involved in analysing attendance and being seen to be taking action was an important aspect .
15 Unfortunately , she was never able really to influence developments in the way that Britain should , by being right in the middle of events , and being seen as a joint , willing partner in Europe — not a country that is always ducking and diving and looking for ways of putting party and even narrow national interests before those of the wider European concept .
16 People paraded up and down , displaying their furs and finery , hailing their friends , seeing and being seen , streaming back and forth continually like swimmers in a pool .
17 All of a sudden the issue is not sex , but being seen .
18 Failing a test was defined as being seen or heard to carry it out incorrectly ( eg to say the time was twenty past nine when the watch indicated a quarter to four ) , or being unable to attempt it ( eg being unable to answer when asked to identify a particular coin ) .
19 It is not about sincerity , so much as being seen to be sincere .
20 In conceding ( b ) he recognises that scribal records actually were unreliable , as well as being seen to be .
21 In each case , however , the committee has reflected the general thrust of the school 's project plan , as well as being seen as representative at some level or other of the variety of interest groups within the school curriculum .
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