Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only , by the way , I see a large number of Scotts here , uniform with yours & mine , at only 1/ each , yet quite clean & good , & not incomplete like those in bookseller 's row ; of which , would you care for me to buy one or two — Ivanhoe , Nigel & c ?
2 Most of the time I 'm staring fixedly at stuff like Opposite of small ( 3 ) or Not dirty ( 5 ) .
3 You know , there was a lot of people had them and gave them out to neighbours or not total strangers , but people that were n't really related to them .
4 Thus , whether or not total surplus under monopoly ( AREG ) is greater or less than ( ACPc ) under perfect competition depends whether the gain ( PcKEG ) is greater than the loss ( RCK ) .
5 Moreover , while the minus is always identifiable and indisputable , the plus is often not identifiable separately or not identifiable as a consequence of the minus .
6 Whether or not specific arrangements were discussed by the two unionist groupings , the election was more of a success for the conservatives than would be implied by the victory of one of the two Protestant Unionists .
7 This was necessary to me as part of my approach to socialism , for before you can be sure whether you are genuinely in favour of socialism , you have got to decide whether things at present are tolerable or not tolerable , and you have got to take up a definite attitude on the terribly difficult question of class …
8 There are instances when efficiency measures are either not practicable or not possible .
9 As we also said in chapter 3 , there are instances when efficiency measures are either not practicable or not possible .
10 Some of the er that measure is not actually effective or not possible in the context of of the facility er I think there 's been a search for measures which will be effective and er erm that 's what the efforts gone in to , finding an effective way of preventing it .
11 I went into the gardens one Sunday morning with the dog found a body in a sleeping bag and I really did n't know whether I thought it was alive or not alive so I went rather closer and I got a very defensive angry stare from a young man and I said to him I 'm not going to ask you to move , because you 've probably got nowhere to go , my real concern is are you okay .
12 The systems of compensatory allowances and investment aids , and particular components of them , are major elements in determining whether or not agricultural changes damaging to the natural environment of the uplands have occurred but a range of other , sometimes unquantifiable factors ( e. g. land ownership patterns , hunting/shooting , traditions of husbandry and land management ) are also more or less relevant .
13 Every actor knows that whether or not collective benefits will be secured is not going to be influenced by his personal contribution .
14 Given the information about birth control , whether or not young women go in search of contraception crucially depends on their motivation to do so .
15 Whether or not political or administrative accountability is the more desirable depends upon one 's view about the relationships that should exist between State and society , but it is more likely that where decisions are made by political appointees there is greater uncertainty , for such decisions then embody both a political and an economic dimension .
16 Loans were felt only to provide a short-term solution while grants were inadequate or not available to those in need .
17 The family might be too poor to help , or not available due to death or emigration .
18 In reality , however , the difference between him and a shareholder may not be anything like as clear-cut , for the debenture may give the holder a contractual right : — to appoint a director ; to a share of profits ( whether or not available for dividend ) ; to repayment at a premium ; to attend and vote at general meetings and even to convert his debentures into equity shares .
19 In practice the polytechnics were initially mainly second-choice institutions for students unable to obtain entrance to universities , but as their reputations grew and they launched courses different from or not available at universities , they attracted more able students .
20 or not available .
21 Do we find the prisoners guilty … or not guilty ? ’
22 They must now retire and decide whether he was guilty or not guilty of the charge .
23 Is he guilty or not guilty ?
24 To that charge Shaun David do you plead guilty or not guilty ?
25 Do you plead guilty or not guilty ?
26 Do you plead guilty or not guilty ?
27 To that , do you plead guilty or not guilty ?
28 Also that you used the vehicle without insurance being in force in respect of third party risks a contravention of section a hundred and forty three of the road traffic act to that are you guilty or not guilty ?
29 Are you guilty or not guilty ?
30 Are you guilty or not guilty ?
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