Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In fact I thought that most of the Scotland team was made up of Leeds player in the mid-70 's … infact that is why I support Scotland & not England ( actually because of Lorimer ) at fooball .
2 But j just before you go , Tom , the issue on whether or not Peter or or it lets the thinner section deep groove ball bearings , is n't going to rest on .
3 In any event , and no matter what reforms were contemplated , the issue that was posed by Marius Moutet , pre-war Minister for the Colonies in the Popular Front and shortly to become Minister for Overseas France , was whether or not France really considered herself to be a nation of 100 m. and whether or not she was to be a great power .
4 The first matter which logically falls to be considered is whether or not Nolan J. was correct in the view , which was accepted by Ralph Gibson L.J .
5 She felt a twinge of guilt , knowing that she had sometimes wondered whether or not Hilary 's ill-health was an excuse invented by Tamar , because her visits were so infrequent .
6 One of those assessing whether or not Dr Carrington was able to make rational judgments and to take critical decisions was his psychiatrist Anthony Moore .
7 One was to see her own column — for so J.D. called it — in print , another was to know whether or not Dr Neil had read it , and still another was to know what he thought of it — and none of these desires seemed likely to be satisfied .
8 A measure of confusion and uncertainty arose within the colony , however , as to the precise constitutional status of the bill in relation to the Basic Law — Hong Kong 's proposed mini-constitution [ see p. 37248 ] — and as to whether or not China had the power to repeal the bill , given its non-participation within the terms of the Covenant and its insistence that the Basic Law should be seen as supreme .
9 In the meantime , whether or not Acheson 's alleged insensitivity to the nationalism of China 's leaders could be reckoned to extend southwards to Vietnam and whether or not the evidence suggests European rather than Asian priorities , Truman 's momentous post-war Democratic Administration , and his partnership with Acheson , had taken the US into the tiger 's cage .
10 Hudson has concluded that Cnut received the submission of the Scots in 1031 in Strathclyde , during a naval expedition into the Irish Sea , and whether or not Echmarcach did rule in Galloway and the Isle of Man at this time ( see above ) , his presence at the meeting could be relevant to Cnut 's relations with the Irish .
11 They will soon ascertain whether or not Gore-Tex and Timberland live up to their much-vaunted specifications .
12 He did not care whether or not Gunhilda had ever made her profession : she had worn the habit ; she had seemed to understand what Anselm had said about the religious life .
13 Next morning , whether or not Jessica had meant to change the plan , the weather did it for them .
14 It remains to be seen whether or not Darren Jackson will recover from the stomach injury which kept the striker out of Hibs ' Cup win over Cowdenbeath .
15 Whether or not Pluto ruled her temperament , she would not rise to his bait .
16 Whether or not Dom Pérignon added sugar is of little importance here , but it is likely that someone somewhere had engaged in the practice and , in all probability , the sugaring of wine may have been quite commonplace .
17 ‘ Oh , Charles , we 've got to know whether or not Marius was murdered . ’
18 The main problem with this miracle is the question of whether or not Mark meant it as a healing or a raising from the dead miracle .
19 Whether or not Britain joined the EMS in due course , it would be operating against a background of some endemic weakness .
20 At the end of this season , when the achievements are totted up silverware or not Middlesbrough will have proved , once again , to be Cock of the North .
21 Whether or not Ray Wilkins is to stay with Rangers or return to one of the London clubs chasing his signature will be known on Monday .
22 It is debatable indeed whether or not Jesus came to found a new religion .
23 We forget the allegorical point of the story ( Babylon engulfing disobedient Israel ) , we do n't much care whether or not Nineveh was saved , or what happened to the regurgitated penitent ; but we remember the whale .
24 Whether or not Hugo was a wall-painter , the records of his activities as carver and manuscript painter attest to his versatility .
25 Whether or not USL is successful in its appeal , it believes it can still win its case on its other claims of misappropriation , misrepresentation , trade mark infringement and breech of contract .
26 Believe it or not Vladimir makes the same business decisions as you .
27 he , erm and he 'll tell you whether it 's worth repairing or not Joyce
28 Thus would be decided whether or not C.N.L. should ever see the documents .
29 Whether or not Harry is the right man for you , it 's not for me to say .
30 Castro later admitted to Herbert Matthews that when he took over the refineries he did not know whether or not Moscow would supply Cuba with oil ( Matthews : 1969 , p. 171 ) .
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