Example sentences of "[conj] [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 One could almost go over there to do one 's weekly marketing — or on into Rouen , where the big market day is also on Tuesday , and from where you could bring home butter made from unpasteurized cream , great bowls of tripes à la mode , and duck pâtés , and baskets full of big round Breton artichokes for a tenth of the price we have to pay here .
2 Arrows can point up to heaven or down into hell .
3 She did not look back at Ursula or down into the valley , but trained her eyes forward , fixing them on the interior of the Mercedes and the dark shape of its occupant as , with every step , clarity threatened to break upon her vision .
4 Division of women aged 35 years or over into 5-year age groups did not show any significant differences in mean profiles .
5 The six competitors sat at the tea tables , together but strangely separate — each gazing at her hands or off into the distance , and never at one another .
6 In their natural environment , ramblers spread and sprawl over the ground or up into and over other plants or objects that offer support — a more literal name would be ‘ scrambler ’ — and their frequent use is to be tied to and draped over arches , pergolas , fences and similar supports .
7 Some boarding schools charge up to £10,000 per annum so its little wonder that a rising number of children are being taken away and placed in cheaper day schools or back into state schools .
8 It was not allowed to stand , merely to percolate through the roots , and channels-were dug to conduct the water away into another meadow or back into the stream or river .
9 Arguments have arisen over proposals to introduce automatic parole for short-term prisoners ; also over the possibility of dividing every sentence of three years or under into three parts : imprisonment , supervised release , and remission ( which Lords Justices on the criminal side of the Court of Appeal made clear they did not like ) .
10 Pepper and Jack carried Bunty through the doors into the wings and on into the Property Room , a cavern of furniture and baskets of props , rich with the smell of dust and old beer .
11 A further exploration with von Wissmann in 1939 took him from Aden , through the almost unknown highlands to the north-east as far as the Wadi Jirdan and on into Hadhramaut , the results appearing in his Aden to the Hadhramaut ( 1947 ) .
12 Sports Editors fretted and printers fumed as the match went on and on into the British night , with Milligan winning the 17th by chipping in , to go to all square .
13 After a while I left the family room and wandered through the great central hall and on into the far side of the house , into Perkin 's workroom .
14 In the 1880s Glasgow 's Victorian prosperity was approaching its peak , and the noon-tide of Empire was to witness the arrival of electricity , the cable subway and the electric trams , photography , St Andrew 's halls , the Great Exhibition of 1888 , 1901 , and on into the new century , hospitals , bridges , effort and endeavour .
15 By midnight it 's really rocking and on into the early hours of the morning we adjourn to one of the best discos in Faliraki , Set Disco , where 18–30 Social members can get special discounts .
16 Increased mobility has reduced the feeling of attachment to neighbourhoods ; the redevelopment of old housing estates in the 1950s and on into the 1970s broke up established communities .
17 Perhaps she would simply lead him on and on into some dark chamber of doubt and fear .
18 Further along , one could see where the street passed over a round-backed bridge and on into more rural surroundings .
19 Yanto walked through the front porch of the pub and on into the flagstoned lobby .
20 He turned left in the village of Wanswell and blasted the bike over the slight pitch and on into the twisty overgrown lanes that led to the village of Purton .
21 Trucks would come hurtling down the hill , their brakes would fail , and they 'd plough right through the wall and on into the field beyond .
22 He nattered his way from university , through Chicago jazz combos and on into the birth of punk rock as the UK Subs never knew it .
23 All the causes of change are presumed , in Lyell 's system , to persist undiminished into the present , the human period , and on into the future .
24 From Burton High Street the trail continues to Wyke Champflower Church and on into Cole and then Castle Cary .
25 In AD 208 the Emperor Severus took personal charge of a fleet into the Firth of Forth and from it led an expedition across Fife , over the Tay valley , and on into the ever inhospitable north to put an end to these depredations .
26 Others will continue across the Mediterranean , over the Sahara and on into southern Africa .
27 Their migrations were the journey on which we were embarking , following the course of the Nile , through Egypt and Sudan and on into Uganda .
28 As the years progressed and the girls grew from babyhood to childhood and on into girlhood and womanhood , Bertha Cohen could not prevent her early hopes from first wilting and then withering : what she had got were two daughters who were replicas , not of herself , but of her husband .
29 There we all were , as the Clansman sped through the Cumbrian countryside and on into bonnie Scotland , all ignoring each other .
30 Nicandra took the path leading away from pleasure-garden policies , through heavy laurels and on into a grove of hazels patched with sunlight .
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