Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] their " in BNC.

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1 Or would their understanding of charities be ‘ significantly ’ improved if all the data survived ?
2 Can we stabilise production where it is most needed , in the developing countries , or will their local political struggles always frustrate the establishment of a reliable and sustainable agricultural and natural resource-dependent plan ?
3 Yet Soviet diplomats had to consider that should their collective security fail to gain acceptance neutrality would be preferable to them to a series of regional alliances in which the Western powers play even a marginal role .
4 But if she does not have it then they will never get it nor could their children .
5 By moving their labour-intensive operations to Yucatan , such companies will survive , while their new Mexican workers will spend more of their pay packets on American imports than would their counterparts in , say , Thailand .
6 And , having held off longer in the vain hope that the negative economic signals would prove false , IBM 's European and Japanese customers will be obligated to make more drastic cutbacks in mainframe expenditures than will their American counterparts .
7 Many schools produce aims which are essentially vague aspirations and objectives which are unattainable as they are not translatable into actions nor can their achievement be measured .
8 As Lane points out for the Soviet Union : ‘ However much control they have over Soviet production enterprises , managers and administrators can neither dispose of their assets for their private good , nor can their children have any exclusive rights to nationalised property ’ ( Lane 1982 , p. 135 ) .
9 An article in the CBI 's Employment Affairs Report says : ‘ Individuals can better assess the benefit package that suits them than can their employer . ’
10 Because I think one of the most worrying things that for the soldiers at the front was will their family be looked after and will their land sort of be alright when they get back
11 But should their flat-bottoms in darkness get o'er ,
12 But could their dramatic re-building have been done much more cheaply ?
13 ‘ Yes , but will their patients ?
14 Brushes should also be cleaned regularly , as should their chamber .
15 Those people who are involved in promoting sex education should have high moral standards and be approved of by parents as should their lesson plans and schemes of work .
16 The specific nature of the stress will vary enormously from one individual to another as will their specific symptomatic response .
17 Committee members , who are magistrates , judges , councillors and co-optees , will be interviewed about their work , as will their respective chief probation officer .
18 The shape , style and content of these items can be altered at will as can their position but without ever reaching for scissors or glue .
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