Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ lead from the front ’ by deciding what needs to be done in difficult situations , where a consensus can not be reached or where time is tight .
2 A is male ( or so B believes ) ; A is acknowledged by B to have a higher social status than B ( or to be playing the role of a superior ) Obvious to the point of tediousness though some of these inferences may be , 26 they are not , on a reasonable circumscription of semantic theory , part of the semantic content of the three sentences .
3 Conveniently , since 1983 or so p/e ratios in Japan have been high , reaching a peak of 60–70% in late 1989 compared with 12–15% in America and Britain , suggesting a big gap in capital costs .
4 Do not rely on flying beacon to beacon — there are n't many , and the mountainous terrain makes reception much more difficult than you might imagine or than Bottlang would suggest .
5 The idealism which inspired this Act of Parliament was eloquently expressed in the House of Commons by Alfred Morris , MP for Manchester , Wythenshawe who had originally introduced this measure as a Private Member 's Bill : If we could bequeath one precious gift to posterity , I would choose a society in which there is genuine compassion for the chronically sick and disabled ; where understanding is unostentatious and sincere ; where needs come before means ; where if years can not be added to their lives , at least life can be added to their years ; … where the disabled have a fundamental right to participate in industry and society according to ability ; where socially preventable distress is unknown ; and where none has cause to be ill at ease because of disability .
6 And , we also face with a a certain stance there where if people blame , er , turn round to us and say there 's a draft here because er , the air conditioning 's working they do n't wan na sit in a draft .
7 Nobody could think where until Scott-Scobie said cheerily : ‘ Buy'em all over , gun shops and so on .
8 175 g ( 6 oz ) spinach or cos lettuce leaves
9 Finely shred the spinach or cos lettuce leaves .
10 Bring to the boil ; simmer for 4–5min or until milk is absorbed and the mixture has thickened , stirring occasionally .
11 Cook for an hour or until meat is tender .
12 Bring to the boil and simmer , covered , for 35–40 minutes or until potatoes are a tender pale orange .
13 We have undertaken a randomised trial of elemental diet v prednisolone , to consider these points , in patients with newly diagnosed or recurrent attacks of Crohn 's disease , and followed up the patients for one year after treatment or until relapse .
14 Interest from the date the cause of action arose until judgment ( or until payment before judgment ) may be included in the judgment ( s 69 of the 1984 Act and Ord 6 , r 1A and Ord 9 , r 8 ) .
15 Bake in an oven preheated to 200°C ( 400°F , Gas Mark 6 ) for 50 minutes , or until patches of brown can be seen and the potatoes feel tender .
16 Offer expires 30th November 1991 or until stocks last .
17 Stir in the monkfish cubes and simmer for another 5 minutes or until fish is just done .
18 ‘ It 's where we keep any prisoners who die until they 've been identified , or until arrangements can be made for their burial . ’
19 Cover and leave to prove for 30 minutes to 1 hour , or until double in size .
20 Bring to the boil , reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 mins , or until sauce is slightly reduced and thickened .
21 Stir in tomato puree and fresh tomatoes and cook for a further 5 minutes , or until sauce is mushy and thickened .
22 A related question is whether each processor should execute its own programme , or if instructions from one programme should be broadcast to all processors , thereby allowing them all to execute the same programme with different data .
23 Such listeners would soon be annoyed were announcements to be made too frequently , at intervals of less than say 20–30 minutes , or if programmes were rudely interrupted .
24 Singles can be booked ‘ willing to share ’ , or if space is available , sole use of a room costs £100 .
25 As a result the remedy can be repeated without causing the patient any aggravation ; or if aggravation should occur it will be of short duration , easily controlled .
26 To this end she stays a virgin , or practises abstinence , or contraception , or if things get further in spite of her best endeavours — for both men and her own desires are importunate — terminates .
27 If you wear bifocals , or if contact lenses are simply not an option , the Supervisor certainly offers an alternative in the trendy world of modern sports shades .
28 Children are seen as needing long-term substitute families if their own parents can not meet all their needs ; if for example , there is no consistent or affectionate relationship with the parent , or if contact is only sporadic .
29 Double marking is appropriate for a module having a high proportion of assessment in one form ( for example , 100 per cent examination , dissertations and projects ) or if assessment is not objective or quantitative ( such as a performance or presentation ) .
30 But they have yet to decide whether they will be issued automatically or if customers will have to order them .
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