Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] what " in BNC.

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1 Allen 's attitude is playfully anarchic ; with a childlike spirit she gleefully undermines the serious , ‘ male ’ pose of the sculptor by knitting socks for her concrete sculpture , or producing what even she describes as ‘ grotesque object ’ .
2 In presenting new material to a class , a meaning may be taught by listing or enumerating what it includes .
3 The Gallagher jurisdiction rule is uncertain ; the refusal of the Court of Appeal to relist B's appeal combined with its refusal to certify prevented B from resolving the uncertainty or ascertaining what English law is on this matter .
4 There has recently been a sharp rise of interest in artificial intelligence — very broadly the attempt to write computer programs to work at a human level of intelligence and performance in such tasks as identifying and recognising objects in cluttered environments , understanding ordinary human languages such as English , or diagnosing what is wrong in cases of human illness or machine failure .
5 Whether in choosing the pattern on his wallpaper or deciding what to do next in a murder case , Dexter wanted action .
6 In the process of product design itself ( or deciding what degree of product differentiation to go for ) trade-offs are inevitable .
7 Yes really it 's just supporting or confirming what Mr said , which we did as part of the Southern Ryedale Local Plan , we contacted British Rail , and they were not averse to the reopening of stations on the York Scarborough line , providing they were funded by private investment .
8 Does he have any way of controlling or directing what congress does ?
9 And oh , the frustration that can build up in our lives as Christians because we are not where we should be or doing what God purposes for us !
10 For example , in a normal conversation between a child and an adult , if the child said ‘ er … um ’ or looked puzzled in response to a question , the adult would attempt to resolve what appeared to be some problem of understanding by rephrasing the question or asking what the problem was .
11 The idea of trusting anyone , or saying what I think , I find daunting and frightening .
12 When presenting his petition , a creditor should be owed a sum equal to or exceeding what is known as the bankruptcy level .
13 These may be very simple things , such as ‘ seeing ’ that a friend will be getting in touch shortly , or knowing what is coming in tomorrow 's post .
14 or knowing what the minimum required was
15 In considering or interpreting what strict control means for a start erm do we actually mean , does P P G seven actually mean strictly control ?
16 More unhappiness and depression is caused because the person who is suffering spends too much time regretting or resenting what has happened in the past or anticipating fearfully what may occur in the future .
17 The next stage of the exercise is in fact to er , put together a financial profile er , identifying A , how er , a shift of resources er , can be achieved or identifying what additional er , resources are needed .
18 They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate , or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional matters .
19 In post-industrial Britain both the self-satisfied and the desperate are able to feel justified in clinging on to what they have , or grabbing what they have n't ; at no time — even in the middle of the Live Aid telethon — is there a suggestion that there might be more to life than such behaviour .
20 Er , looking through the officer workload ratios in paragraph four , it shows that using what are in honesty fairly crude Home Office measures , we 're really quite well to the national average , that we carry out approximately four hundred and thirty three inspections per officer in a year as opposed to the expected four hundred and eighty two .
21 ( a ) it enables them to demand standards of quality , and ranges of goods which fit into their market strategy , rather than accepting what the manufacturer might prefer ,
22 ‘ I 'm sure that they would n't , ’ she said , although wondering what her mother would say .
23 People tend to invest more time deciding on a house purchase or what car to buy than deciding what to do with their lives and how to develop themselves .
24 The pupil seems to be giving instructions for others to follow rather than saying what was done in this specific instance .
25 So that rather than doing what language is supposed to do , that bit of publicity , it does exactly the opposite .
26 Graham commented that in practice budgeting was usually a matter of upgrading finding bared on historical foundations rather than calculating what was required for the services that were needed , and he referred to university funding being ‘ budget-led ’ rather than ‘ product-led ’ .
27 Naturally he could n't forbear from upsetting me , nor ruining what slim remaining chance I had of being like anyone — let alone everyone — else .
28 The framework will therefore be better suited to simulating the consequences of different kinds of economic behaviour rather than determining what form economic behaviour has or is likely to take .
29 There is nothing more interesting to a busy chief executive or personnel director than knowing what the competition are doing , what they are being paid and who is moving where .
30 Humiliated , Kate blows her nose ungracefully and almost apologises for nor knowing what has come over her .
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