Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] rather " in BNC.

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1 When rights of conquest or hereditary rights had placed two or more territories under a medieval ruler , he was quite accustomed to finding that they were ruled under different constitutions and he would not think of trying to impose a uniform system of government on them ; Queen Elizabeth had rights and duties in England that were rather different from the rights and duties she had in the Channel Islands , which were all that was left of William the Conqueror 's Norman territories , and it was perfectly natural for each new English acquisition overseas to be won on terms that differed from what had happened previously .
2 He felt entitled to a response that was rather more sympathetic , to say the least .
3 Thatcher 's friends , such as former United Biscuits boss Sir Hector Laing , used to implore her to give British industry the kind of support that was rather more consistent than those who bought and sold its shares in the City .
4 That it had made contact was evident , for Sister Mary let out a cry , a weird sound that was rather a yell not a scream .
5 ‘ And anyway , ’ whispered another voice , and one that was rather more matter-of-fact because it was her own , ‘ there 's a young eagle out there called Creggan who needs to know a few things if he 's going to survive and be free . ’
6 One reason was for communications , but another reason that was rather intriguing to scientists was that they could actually look at stars and look at the space between the stars and use a different region of the spectrum , in particular the radio region .
7 Mm , not the something that 's sort of , funny that happened by mistake , something that was rather planned in that case
8 But you muste prove yourself to do som thynges that you were never taught , or else you shall not be able to doo any more than you were taught , and were rather to learne by rote than by reason .
9 Although only one in five of the mothers in this book had positively wanted to have a baby , and a few did n't mind , the rest had no particular wish to get pregnant and were rather shocked to discover that they were .
10 It was plainly much easier to join the legions of the wicked who were n't fussy and were rather more eager for recruits than the exclusive godfearing .
11 In the hitherto unpublished Leeds University evaluation of the 1991 Key Stage One National Curriculum Assessment , teachers rated the tasks they gave to children as rather more challenging than did observers , and were rather more generous than the observers in their estimates both of the frequency of open questions and of the opportunities they gave pupils to volunteer opinions .
12 But she looked at the robe again and several of the eyes opened and blinked and swivelled in their sockets , as if they had heard her thoughts and were rather amused by them .
13 They wanted to push in the incentive scheme throughout the shop and they were busily engaged in doing that , and were rather blinded you know , to the claims that were coming through .
14 While the IVIS discs had only loosely defined objectives and were rather vaguely intended as an underlying educational resource , IVIFE discs had very clear objectives .
15 He 'd been all over town and had a few vocals left , a few guitar bits , and was rather disenchanted with the studio he was using .
16 She had wavy blond hair and was rather attractive apart from the beginnings of a moustache .
17 It all had to be done in the dark and was rather frightening .
18 It always sounded as if one should have known , had been told before and was rather foolish to have forgotten .
19 He needed hobdaying and was rather on the temperamental side , so she sent him to Bill and me to see if he had any ability in the dressage sphere . ’
20 ( By moving up from the level of salesman in his insurance company , he 'd sacrificed a firm 's car and was rather careful about using his own . )
21 That this experience was not confined to the realm of theory , and was rather widespread in bourgeois strata , is immediately clear to the reader of Proust , Mann , or Musil .
22 She had meant to try , although she had learned where Georgie might be found and was rather more interested in seeing what one of Crystal 's lovers looked like .
23 She was good with her hands and was rather pleased to be more competent than her mother in this .
24 Belinda had been slightly unnerved to find that this man was Faye Hamilton 's obstetrician , and was rather alarmed at the prospect of spending a block of time in his elegant office , becoming familiar with the case history of her new patient .
25 I recently asked the Prime Minister about that , and was rather surprised to receive the answer that the Government supported proposals in the intergovernmental conference for a new consultative body to represent the regions at Community level .
26 And , one that Dorcas had found in a book and was rather proud of : Unexploded Bom .
27 When I came out on top I immediately looked to starboard for the Pole Star and was rather shocked to find that it was oil the portside and we were obviously heading east , but by careful use of the engines was able to turn through 180° and the navigator gave me a heading after taking a sight from the astro compass .
28 The theoretical debate has tended to follow Raymond Williams 's suggestion that although the urban working-class found in music-hall performers ‘ their most authentic voice ’ the halls were not full manifestations of working-class culture but were rather ‘ a very mixed institution ’ .
29 They were feeding young , but were rather shy about having their photograph taken .
30 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
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