Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] money " in BNC.

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1 The ability to give or lend money to relatives obviously is related to one 's own economic resources in some way — although we are unlikely to find that people who have more straightforwardly give more .
2 ‘ If you want to borrow or lend money on a rolling settlement basis we can bundle it in with the service .
3 To raise or borrow money for the purposes of the association .
4 A bank can not predict which of its customers wish to withdraw or deposit money on any given day ; a travel firm can not control which of its package tours will be booked at a particular time .
5 This means you can have the advantage of a bank account , viz. cheque book , statements , automatic cash dispensers , with the added advantage of accruing interest on any monies in your building society account and being able to pay in or withdraw money on Saturday mornings .
6 Your net salary if you are taxed under the PAYE system ( you can not spend or save money already in the tax man 's hands )
7 Zuwaya said they should not watch television together ; sons should not smoke in their father 's presence , nor try to wheedle or coax money from them ; and mostly they did not do those things .
8 That is an extreme case but a marketing man may subtly resist the plan to move from premium pricing to commodity pricing , or he may sabotage the plan to squeeze more profit out of old products rather than spend money on new ones .
9 With the one exception mentioned , Common Law will not order a defendant to do anything except pay money .
10 Well obviously one would like to make money rather than lose money erm I mean there 's the there are quite a few factors why erm Virgin er lost money last year er first of all you know we had er the very well publicized er dirty tricks campaign being waged against us .
11 ‘ The government , ’ says John Monks , the TUC 's deputy general secretary , ‘ should help people who are exploited at work rather than waste money on this unnecessary post . ’
12 Agents do n't want deadwood and if they are interested in you it is because they feel they can sell you into the market , so that you can go on and make money both for yourself and them .
13 The tiny Aussie star , who scored 17 smash hits with svengali Pete Waterman 's record label PWL over a period of five years , admits : ‘ I was bored with being told to smile and go out and make money . ’
14 A Swedish newspaper gave 10,000 kronor ( £830 ) to five stock exchange experts and a chimpanzee with a brief to go away and make money on the market , AP reported .
15 As long as he had her , he could work and make money and perform , which is what he is all about . ’
16 For example , the son who is chosen by his family to go and earn money in a town and city may achieve a certain status in the joint family — he has been chosen , after all , for his abilities and strength of mind — but he has to suffer months , even years , of separation from his wife and loss of all contact with those who love him .
17 that is a luxury I think erm to be able to do it , if you want to write and earn money , which I do as well as , as socialize while I 'm working erm you 've got to find ways of , of , of doing that and erm just writing books and poetry just would n't , I , I , I could n't survive on that , I really do have to find other ways of , of earning money which is enjoying more and also uses of my skill and erm I would think you 'd need to be in contact with the situation rather than you not knowing , being able to write about that .
18 There 's only a certain number of places a prostitute can go and earn money , so all a pimp needs to do is drive round in his car until he sees you .
19 Tony Curtis was standing next to me so I said I was there to try and collect money from Mr Curtis .
20 ( g ) To lend and advance money or give credit on any terms with or without security to any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any holding company , subsidiary or fellow subsidiary of , or any other company associated in any way with , the Company ) , to enter into guarantees , contracts of indemnity and suretyships of all kinds , to receive money on deposit or loan upon any terms , and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any such holding company , subsidiary , fellow subsidiary or associated company as aforesaid ) .
21 ( g ) To lend and advance money or give credit on any terms with or without security to any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any holding company , subsidiary or fellow subsidiary of , or any other company associated in any way with , the Company ) , to enter into guarantees , contracts of indemnity and suretyships of all kinds , to receive money on deposit or loan upon any terms , and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any such holding company , subsidiary , fellow subsidiary or associated company as aforesaid ) .
22 The threat of cuts in Bonn 's support of Berlin gives Kewenig extra power to be selective , which accords well with his own views : ‘ I want to discriminate and give money to people who do something ’ .
23 You can also withdraw and deposit money across the counter in any of our branches just by presenting your card .
24 This is making people hesitate to go out and spend money .
25 Consumers who saw their commitments enlarge so dramatically as a result of higher interest rates , who found themselves over-committed , and then found themselves unemployed and even less able to meet those commitments , will not rush out and spend money even if they have more of it .
26 Nobody wants to come here and spend money do they ?
27 Throughout the book I have extolled the virtues of the post office , mainly because , even in the most rural areas you are likely to have a sub post office , where you will be able to deposit and withdraw money all week and on Saturday mornings as well .
28 Sitting in his spectral towers on Sixth Avenue and Cheapside , blond Ossie uses money to buy and sell money .
29 There could be someone in the outside world who is prepared to take over and put money into the club .
30 As with any technique , direct mail has basic principles which must be obeyed if the programme is to communicate and raise money over a long period : * It must be regular ( a minimum of eight times a year ) * It must be personal , relevant and informal * It must be good quality * It must ask for and offer something * It must appeal to emotion first and reason second
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