Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] one " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) Loss of an opportunity to make or enhance one 's reputation .
2 Similarly , to take another case , we might think of the real essence of a circle , a figure which bears a constant relation to some one point , as an indication of how , along Hobbesian lines , to generate or construct one .
3 ‘ Then I 'll beg , borrow or steal one .
4 Initial disbelief in the disease concept and determination to find or reinforce one 's own ideas on the cause of addiction .
5 One may , after all , competently drive a car without understanding much about the principles of the internal combustion engine ; one may use a typewriter or a word-processor without being able to make or mend one ; one may quickly be taught to use a computer , and make simple programs without being a master of , or even a beginner in , computer science .
6 There is little need for contact with the Department of Health and Social Security because payment is made through the Post Office ; there is therefore no requirement to beg or argue one 's case .
7 The frog relies on its fly detectors so much that it probably can not see a motionless insect , and will starve rather than eat one .
8 But as the venture was something of an experiment , and we might have to move south again before long , we decided to rent a house rather than buy one .
9 So he had the Sierra and he said I do n't know whether he 'll want it for , it could be sort of three or four weeks if they 're gon na repair his car or if we can get one within the company like at another depot obviously they 'll get that for him rather than hire one off you .
10 The parlous state of England enters the poem , in fact , in a direct way : " Dust in the air suspended/Marks the place where a story ended , " was an evocation of the debris which hung in the air after a bombing , and then " would slowly descend and cover one 's sleeves and coat with fine white ash " .
11 ‘ When Karen broke the news of our marriage so crudely at Thomas 's party , and I saw the look on your face , I understood for the first time the force of that old cliché about wishing the floor would open up and swallow one .
12 ‘ Well , I 'll just go and make one for me and Jake .
13 Some cultures emphasize the values of cooperating with others , conciliating opposing views , and being prepared to compromise and submerge one 's own ideas in a broader and more popularly acceptable solution .
14 Daresay I might splash out and buy one myself . ’
15 There was only one way to get one and that was to go and buy one .
16 However , good right backs are few and far between — its not easy to just go out and buy one
17 Not till I can afford to go out and buy one .
18 And you ca n't just go and buy one can you ?
19 If not I 'll go and buy one tomorrow .
20 Does that mean I should go out and steal one ?
21 Many of my male colleagues would have asked their female secretaries to go out and choose one for them .
22 The tourist would come and choose one .
23 Better to surrender quietly to that hell of pain , to slide into it , to crumble and fold like burning straw , to merge and coalesce and become one with it , until , phoenix-like , she floated away on the other side , whole and free .
24 When one is ill it 's the knowledge that somebody cared enough to come and see one that matters more than the flowers and the lemon barley water .
25 can if you want , in the it 's not that far to go around and use one for the whole day .
26 Whereas historically it was expensive , rare , and available only to the privileged few , mainly mathematicians and scientists , now anyone can own and use one .
27 Tyrell ran the March team in 1970 but the car was not good enough for a driver of Stewart 's calibre so Tyrell decided to build and run one under his own name for Stewart .
28 The walking rings started so close to Liessa 's head that she could reach up and touch one .
29 However , if you 're just starting your Empire army then my advice is to try and purchase one that suits your style of play .
30 But not many will be able to move in this rarefied atmosphere and , mercifully , there are lower strata in which to breathe and have one 's being .
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