Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] another " in BNC.

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1 1.3 The employee 's duty not to make preparations in order to compete with his employer after he has left or to enable another to do so The employee can not make preparations during his employment , either during the working day or in his spare time , with a view to competing with his employer once his employment is over if such preparation may have a material effect on his employer 's business .
2 Or to use another of Mr Airlie 's sayings : ‘ You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar ’ .
3 He was too old to breed or to ride another Nicandra .
4 After three years it was possible to revert to your own name or to have another false one , thereby preserving the anonymity .
5 The difficulty is that although sometimes it is possible to point to an intention to compel action on the part of the target , as when the aim is to prevent employees from working , or to force a local councillor to vote differently , or to stop another organisation from marching that intention is not invariably present .
6 The data subject is entitled to access personally or to authorise another .
7 I told her that we should both be delighted , that there was no greater compliment than to find another lady wearing one 's best outfit .
8 I use police definitions because this reflects the fact that to violate another person is unlawful , realigning the imbalance which has occurred as carers have generally become more empowered .
9 Because the greatness of man is to see that things might be otherwise — to look at the world around him , and to see another world beneath its surface . ’
10 Although everyone has the innate capacity to love and to enjoy another 's happiness as well as their own , and to get themselves loved and their happiness enjoyed by others , not everyone can risk the experience in adult life .
11 ‘ Use the remaining few weeks to say your goodbyes and to find another job , ’ he had said .
12 What this is intended to do is to put structural change into it , to say to home owners , if you come to the area , particularly those built-up areas where there is such a shortage of homes , you can be sure that you will get higher rates and to answer another question , we are , a that would be applying to existing people as well as to er otherwise in the budget allowance for that .
13 Eligible for reduced rates , he spent his time riding round Australia , stopping only long enough to dry-clean his clothes and to buy another rail ticket .
14 The ethical distinction between allowing one poor and needy citizen to run the risk of brain damage and to deny another the right to sell a kidney may prove hard to define .
15 The genes of viruses code for a protein coat , which helps them to survive the death of one cell and to infect another .
16 Vuk , however , was less enthusiastic , and wrote of his own people , ‘ It is hard to induce them to acknowledge that they are Serbs , and we would be crazy if we agreed to abandon our famous name and to adopt another one [ Illyrian ] , which is dead and today has no meaning in itself . ‘
17 Let us assume that in the split second that it took our sender to walk into the room and to recognise another person , a decision was made to smile .
18 During April he was obliged to withdraw two bills ( one of which changed voting rules in regional elections ) and to postpone another for fear that they would be defeated .
19 The apparent settlement had followed the intervention of the Governor-General , who had threatened , when the negotiations were at an impasse on March 15 , that he would use his powers to appoint a Prime Minister and to call another election .
20 Consenting to have one 's mail opened by another , to be visited without prior arrangement , and to have another arrange aspects of one 's plans or activities without prior consultation ( e.g. accepting invitations in one 's name ) may or may not be justified by their instrumental value , but in any case they are taken in our culture as expressing the existence of certain attitudes , as in part constituting those attitudes .
21 It is possible for corporate restructuring to benefit one class of claimants and to harm another class .
22 Disenchantement with the policy of that union led him to resign from it and to join another union , Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff ( ‘ A.P.E.X . ’ )
23 My Working Group was solely concerned to allow teachers the freedom to choose , and to prevent another media extravaganza about essential books in the canon .
24 The Leith Dock Commission continued to use the services of the Rendel family and on their advice it was decided to reclaim an area along the East Sands and to construct another dock .
25 In practice however awareness is unequal , variable , uncertain , with impassable limits even in the case of self-knowledge , so that we can never take the full measure of our reactions from all viewpoints ; like the child wondering whether to risk another helping at dinner , we require an ‘ ought ’ whenever we are losing sight of the reaction at an unsustainable height of awareness .
26 Manager Lennie Lawrence will study a medical report before deciding whether to recruit another goalkeeper before Thursday 's transfer deadline .
27 In preparing my statement so as to include another recent event , I was following the behaviour of my predecessors , who have done the same on such occasions .
28 1.3 Conclusion One can conclude that : ( 1 ) The following classes of case are usually subject to the doctrine : ( a ) employment contracts regarding the period after the contract has ended ; ( b ) contracts analogous to ( a ) such as some agency agreements and partnership agreements ; ( c ) business sales contracts which preclude the vendor from competing with his former business ; ( d ) solus agreements ; and ( e ) any situation , not necessarily involving a contract , in which it appears a party has acted unreasonably , unfairly or oppressively so as to restrict another party , usually the plaintiff in the action , in the exercise of his trade , profession or employment .
29 He is very affectionate , and I would n't be without him now , and he has been to the vet 's for his injections so as to avoid another disaster .
30 If the pin is extended so as to enter another spatial domain yet another unwanted association would be detected and flagged to the designer .
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