Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] for " in BNC.

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1 Albert writes : ‘ The inescapable conclusion is that the two models of capitalism diverge on the fundamental question of whether to live for the present moment — and to hell with the consequences for future generations — or to plan for a better tomorrow , though it may require sacrifices today .
2 Like Kant , he leaves theologians with two broad choices : either to accept this account of the situation , with its absolute distinction between the relativities and contingencies of history and the truth of religion , or to search for some other framework within which to set up the question .
3 Today by some bonus of chance they were being left there to enjoy it and had not been interrupted with a call for tea or to go for a swim with Dad who had just come home .
4 ‘ Really , there are only three options — to let the company wither and die , to find a successor , or to go for a flotation .
5 By meteorological means we 're now able to identify where such a storm will occur with greater efficiency and to take steps for keeping that area clear of people — or to arrange for controlled evacuation .
6 Failure to pay can result in our applying to the court for power to deduct arrears from your income or to arrange for the sale of your goods to recover the amount due .
7 There seemed to be no consideration given as to how a management strategy would serve the processes desired , little attempt to anticipate possible outcomes or to arrange for specific progress points when reviews could be undertaken , nor to establish criteria against which a programme 's effectiveness would ultimately be evaluated .
8 A local authority may be asked to provide a report from one of its own officers or to arrange for another person to provide a report as appropriate .
9 Is the first aim to make money ( we must obviously avoid losing it ! ) or to provide for our personal needs ?
10 In fact , there are many reasons why families fail to stay together or to provide for their children adequately , reasons that include the stress of ill-health , unemployment or irregular employment , low pay , poverty and deprivation , bad housing and a poor environment and low levels of social support .
11 Not only does Dame Sirith advertise her professional ability to repeat the trick , or to obtain for a man the woman he wants in the way he wants , and thus anticipate her ability to star in an extended series of fabliaux that the poet may tell , but the language and prosody convey certain points that lie at the heart of the fabliau perspective .
12 An issue that typically divides them — and caused the largest opposition group , the Democratic Party , to split at its congress last month — is whether to compromise with the Communists or to work for their complete removal .
13 Different readers have purchased this book for different reasons , whether it be to pass a professional examination , to commence undergraduate studies in marketing , or to train for a new job in the company 's sales or marketing department .
14 This can include a reluctance to ask them to visit , or to come for a meal and even the fear , felt by some women , that a grieving woman may attract their own husbands .
15 This is a good place to rest for lunch or to visit for an evening out , for there is often live music in the restaurants and bars — folk , fado and jazz are all provided for .
16 This means it is time to loose the last two arrows and decide whether to aim for the middle of the target to boost your score , or to aim for the outside edge of the target and the chance of winning the Horn Spoon .
17 A school 's claim of achieving excellent standards in sports or instrumental music may seem very hollow to parents of children that do n't have an opportunity to take up an instrument or to play for the school team .
18 For any moment of weakness in the fortunes of a great house — the minority of William the Conqueror , the early years of Fulk le Réchin — provided the perfect opportunity for castellans to establish their hereditary rights , or to exercise for their own benefit prerogatives which had hitherto brought profit to the princes .
19 Depending on the nature of the offence , he is either warned to lay off , or to look for a job elsewhere .
20 They have all gone off to work or to look for work , leaving behind the old , the disabled , the women and the children .
21 Furthermore , they were less likely to have applied to be taken on by the firm 's main competitor , which took over its order book , or to look for another job before leaving the firm .
22 If a once beautiful and honest young girl has become dishevelled and has dropped out of a promising educational course and is in perpetual trouble with the Police , then it is almost superfluous to ask questions on drug use or to look for physical signs of drug addiction , even though clinical accuracy demands this .
23 A check of the water 's temperature is often made on the spot and smaller samples may also be taken and treated immediately to enable a measurement of dissolved oxygen to be made , or to fix for the presence of certain substances such as cyanide .
24 I have so much more important concerns on my mind that I am hardly fit for anything , or to wish for anything than to receive the last releasing stroke .
25 In that moment , the student is freed to make decisions , to make judgements about the balance of the evidence , or to opt for a particular course of action .
26 If a school intends to operate a form of option system allowing pupils to drop history at Key Stage 4 or to opt for the short course or continue with the full course , pupils and parents will presumably wish to base their decision on performance to date .
27 The most striking feature of the revolution of 1326–7 is the unwillingness of anyone apart from Edward 's immediate circle of friends to stand by him or to fight for him .
28 It was still very difficult to see how the process might work , or to account for the fact that some ads worked , and some consumers took action , but others stubbornly did not ; or that an apparently good campaign failed to achieve extra sales — for sales were still the only real measure of effectiveness .
29 To work out quickly what your RC will indicate at the point where you arrive on track , use the following method : When you turn Left to intercept ( or to allow for drift on track ) consider Left as Minus
30 Any shares which have not been taken up will go into a trust for new starters or to allow for people who are promoted to be allocated more shares .
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