Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It probably requires that treatment continue , even if a request is made by the patient or another that it should cease .
2 Transport has so many social implications of one kind or another that there can never be an arm 's length relationship …
3 Even then it should not apply where all that the Purchaser does is to carry on in the ordinary course of the business .
4 Jan Rowe says he has nothing against badgers in general and he appreciates that they are not affecting very big areas or all that many farms when viewed nationally .
5 His moment came at a time when shoring up the old seemed all that mattered or all that anyone could think of .
6 She loathed herself for such pettiness , but she was so helplessly without any control over their relationship that pride or all that remained of it demanded that she administer these little pricks to his satisfaction , although she knew she had no hope of succeeding in puncturing it properly .
7 A good stalker only singles out weak animals from a herd , or those that are past their best .
8 From our very earliest days the sort of pattern of attachment we form with our parents or those that look after us will influence how we feel about any relationship later in life .
9 For years I carried a secret guilt that when I had been wounded — and seven of my men killed — I had not done enough for them or those that remained .
10 Younger children , or those that have had little experience of playing freely , need a little more encouragement and the next example illustrates how a teacher was able to lead a small group without directing them too much .
11 Certain of these cash flows may be highly predictable , for example the outflows associated with fixed interest debt ; others may be very difficult to predict , for example those associated with fluctuating commodity prices or those that depend on the vagaries of consumer taste and fashion .
12 New workplaces opened for the first time on or after 1 January 1993 or those that are modified or extended or converted should comply with the Regulations immediately .
13 Petty had already intimated that he might not be able to continue his attendance at the debates further ( after 29 October ) , but before the end of that day 's proceedings he explained why ‘ we [ the Levellers ] would exclude apprentices , or servants , or those that take alms , it is because they depend upon the will of other men and should be afraid to displease [ them ] ’ .
14 Or those that got to Hook Road School .
15 One of the one of the difficulties is that that that theatres up and down the country have faced over the last two years of the new target that were brought in with the eighty eight education act where schools were not allowed to make a charge it could only be a voluntary contribution now the council of Great Britain have looked at this it 's a problem cos of this decimated schools audiences .
16 Erm it 's been er it 's been suggested as well that in some extent it reflects the religious revival in Europe that that that that was taking place .
17 Do we agree that we want something that that that that says
18 And er , it 's not one that 's er that 's currently practised , but it 's not all that long ago , in in folk memory that that that women in their particularly women who had practices and rituals were seen as witches .
19 That that that that kind of
20 I mean Jim 's a civil engineer himself and he knows the skills and disciplines that that that we work to .
21 But you 've also got that that that you notice well down the erm the expenditure on a project , that you 're gon na have to have to go back and change something that should have been sorted out at the start .
22 And now that was the attitude that that that they they had that er a lot of them , not not everybody of course that just and she had this attitude , erm anybody that had lost their baby were lucky , you see .
23 I mean th there w there was always some kind of trigger that that that broke that initial feeling of isolation and and suspicion .
24 And er reassure reassure the tenants that that that are left behind .
25 But er it 's not the road that that that it used to be .
26 That the measurable objective might be that that that people who are on that course d go out and do X.
27 The far world not the The unspiritual world that that we can You see the pride in the eye , that with that that that that can be can be another women or it can it can be cosmetics , it can be a dress to women or it could be another man .
28 When you , when you expect that that that that takes the copy back in the old file .
29 Well I was shocked when I heard that that that that yours whi yours you yours would attempt to you got my permission , yes but , I 'd be highly surprised if if you got them .
30 Aye yeah that 's that that that I mean I 've went to that doctor and and it 's like a doctor 's surgery surely is should be sacrament yo you should n't , know what I mean ?
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