Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] would " in BNC.

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1 The confidence of buyers or investors or creditors would be eroded .
2 Englishmen had been settling overseas for a century and a half but their colonies had been inhabited by people who , apart from the slaves who got no choice in the matter , had no particular difficulty in committing themselves to being loyal to King George : Englishmen , Scotsmen , Irishmen , or Germans would accept the King without question , and the Dutch of New York and the Acadians of Nova Scotia were almost the only people who had ever been asked to make a serious change of allegiance , which had been harder for the Acadians because of religious differences .
3 Joseph Payne , an Alex Brown & Sons would let loose a huge supply of stock onto the market and fund managers would n't stand for it — a rather naive statement since the non-executive directors would be in breach of their fiduciary duty if they allowed IBM to pay a dividend they judged it could not afford .
4 Well yes you , you , you 've got two , one is you 've got erm the rural poor who will provide a labour force in the countryside for rich peasants and you 've , because you have got a labour market and because there are no limits on mobility , then presumably there will be some poor peasants who will decide no I 'll get out , I 'll industry 's going to get going , I will be able to earn more money in a town , or sons would go off and , and so , so there should be , you should provide a , have a supply of labour , whereas if you 've got everybody , if everybody had been in middle peasant status erm there would have been no incentive to do that because everybody would have been self sufficient within the countryside .
5 ‘ And marriage itself might have been a useful bit of insurance for Gustav : her relatives or guardians would have been less likely to inform on her husband than on some passing stranger who could get his trousers open in Olympic time . ’
6 But if wheat prices fluctuate more widely than house prices , an investor who had no particular interest in either wheat or houses would not be indifferent between them .
7 Instead , in November 1985 , with the backing of the farming lobby , which feared that controls or taxes would be imposed on nitrogen fertiliser , the DoE granted water suppliers no fewer than 57 derogations , 48 of them for contamination by nitrates .
8 It was unanimously decided that any drawings or illustrations would be done by Willie .
9 As the data was applied to the design of each section , the various elements began magically to fit together ; most plants or animals would only fit a particular niche in the illustration .
10 He used his fingers and the stick , he scuffled food into his mouth from the pan which he held close by his mouth so that any pieces that fell from his fingers or lips would go back into the container , not onto the ground .
11 If your spoken answer to each question was the full ‘ I 've just marked 200 examination scripts ’ , which word or words would you stress in each case ?
12 Thus institutions thus granted these charters or licences would be required to ‘ accredit ’ their courses with the C.N.A.A .
13 No sooner had they found a likely-looking mountain than aeroplanes or helicopters would buzz around , like insects around an eagle .
14 Boats for the Handicapped are currently fundraising to get a holiday boat on the Basingstoke Canal , and any help or donations would be most gratefully received .
15 They said the county might have to subsidise less popular bus routes or companies would raise fares to provide the cash to buy new buses .
16 Family tradition attracted many Scots into the army who might have been better advised to look elsewhere , but in time of war there was always the hope that disease or wounds would carry off enough military superiors to create vacancies without purchase and permit advancement in rank .
17 Gloves or shoes would effectively protect one from the effects .
18 He hints that it would be wrong to ‘ persist in regarding knowledge as the certain and evident cognition of a thing , obtained through an acquaintance with its necessary cause , or by a proof ’ , for then ‘ knowledge through experience or appearances would not merit the name of knowledge ’ .
19 Days or weeks would be needed for each experiment .
20 Sometimes , devoted wives or sweethearts would dress in man 's attire in order to seek out their loved one , disappearing into the maelstrom of the war .
21 Most pet owners who know either cats or dogs would readily agree with where the expressions have been placed on the two axes of likelihood of attack and likelihood of escape .
22 Clubs or individuals would only need to pay the cost of travel to the USSR .
23 If it was straightforward to assess the efficient quantity of the externality and hence the correct tax or subsidy , and straightforward to monitor the quantities produced and consumed , such taxes or subsidies would allow the market to achieve an efficient resource allocation .
24 Without the work at Peoria and in many American industrial laboratories , many more months or years would have passed before penicillin became readily available .
25 The true owner or owners would have to reveal themselves by going to court to have it removed .
26 Such an order will be granted only where damages would not be an adequate remedy ( e.g. if the goods were unique , or virtually so ) .
27 Officials at the University of California estimate that a ban on buying animals from animal shelters or pounds would cost them up to $3 million a year .
28 She was going to have to be very careful with this man or things would be bad .
29 outlined the Training Course in its present condensed form and stated that its success or difficulties would be assessed in the near future .
30 This only applies to statements etc made in or from the UK , if the recipient' is in the UK or if the agreement or rights would be exercised in the UK .
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