Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 There is a great deal of high quality equipment on the market at the moment , but there is probably more which is either inferior or unsuitable for the purpose it is sold for .
2 Goods which are useless or unsuitable for any normal purpose will still correspond with their description ( here ‘ Norwegian Herring Meal ’ ) if it accurately identified them .
3 Even if the entire programme is too lengthy or unsuitable for classroom use , there may well be short sequences which could prove useful in teaching history .
4 They 're eradicating tumours which might otherwise have to go untreated because they are inaccesible to the surgeon or unsuitable for other types of therapy .
5 They 're eradicating tumours which might otherwise have to go untreated because they are inaccesible to the surgeon or unsuitable for other types of therapy .
6 It was not too deep or strong for horses but a tree had been felled across it for foot-passengers .
7 All shafts , levels , adits , watercourses and works to be kept open or upstanding for present or future working , and to yield up these at the end of the term , with the bottoms clear of all dross and rubbish ; and the drifts , cross-cuts , sumps , pits , buddles , water-courses , dwelling houses , cabins , smelting houses , store houses , bingsteads , smithies , forges , workshops , etc .
8 Some symptoms can occur immediately after birth — the baby 's first bowel movements may be too thick or sticky for him or her to pass .
9 As I indicated earlier , not all writers think it advisable or possible for the West to import Japanese practices .
10 Any support , whether financial or political for those outside the enterprise culture — the poor , the homeless , the unemployed — has been written off as the unrealistic and dangerous machinations of the ‘ loony left ’ .
11 And yet , this relatively peaceful country , moving out of the stagnation of the 1930s to the growing affluence of post-1945 , was seldom contented or placid for long throughout these forty-four years .
12 The more variable strata will therefore be more intensively sampled , leading to estimates of the population mean or total for this variable that are ‘ optimal ’ in the sense of having smallest possible variance .
13 The enumeration of isolates should be exhaustive or complete for the subject area .
14 The aim was to make use of all available resources whether labelled public or private for the benefit of the patient who wanted treatment .
15 It is no longer wise or practicable for the odd senior local politician to ‘ pop-in ’ en route from one meeting to the next and ‘ have a look around ’ .
16 This is particularly emphasised in progressive municipal boroughs , whose opposition is written off as the insanity of the ‘ loony left ’ , to the extent that the Labour Party itself seems nervous of suggesting anything socialist or progressive for fear of losing the middle ground .
17 Similarly , if runners-up win substantial prizes , arrange where possible for the handover to be on the premises of a local supplier .
18 The use of public transport will be promoted where possible for both staff and visitors .
19 Sun and wind are so free so it makes sense to use them where possible for power .
20 Here it is important to know ( a ) whether male and female ideals diverge : whether , that is , the moral outlook people have depends in some causally related way on whether they are male or female , and ( b ) whether the ideals themselves are gender-relative : that is to say , whether what is good in a woman or right for a woman might not be bad in a man , or wrong for a man , and vice versa .
21 At the same time , it is fair to point out to the Government of Pakistan , as we do , that is is not right or sensible for violence to be encouraged across frontiers .
22 They were defending the right of the pamphleteer to publish ideas that were unpopular in society or inconvenient for the state .
23 But where there is energy there is life , so it is unlikely that you will be jobless or unsuccessful for long .
24 Investments held as fixed assets are stated at cost less provisions where appropriate for any diminution in value .
25 It is now acknowledged that the educational , health and social welfare systems are often not adequate or appropriate for the needs of most ethnic families .
26 As for my own research , there are some areas of it in which quantification has not been used because in these areas it was not necessary or appropriate for the purpose I had in mind ( see for example the discussions in chapter 5 ) .
27 Simple accounting systems are no longer adequate or appropriate for monitoring and evaluating job performance : tasks are intertwined and interdependent , and the quality of work is often more important than the quantity of work .
28 He may turn the argument on those galleries by saying that , in effect , they are admitting that they do not have any works of art that are available or appropriate for disposal .
29 In the agreement , the government pledges to provide such infrastructure " as necessary or appropriate for the efficient management of Stone 's business in Honduras " .
30 You will be faced here with a great temptation to set goals for fast weight loss that will prove difficult or impossible for you to achieve .
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