Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , it should be said that the most common practice , because of the uncertainties surrounding the reasonableness of general exclusion clauses , is to include two general exclusion clauses covering liability for any breach of contract ( however caused and whatever its seriousness ) , one excluding liability for economic loss in respect of such breaches , and the other limiting liability by reference to a fixed amount for any one breach and/or for all breaches under the contract .
2 Underneath he added ‘ which would be a good title for my next book or for all my work ’ .
3 That may be the norm , but , of course , there is also the abnorm when things go wrong , when the fire gets out of control , when , perhaps , the fire brigade has been over worked , or could n't find their way for cigarette smoke , or for all that saturated fat that clogged up the wheels of their tenders .
4 From this it can be seen that no one method is suitable for all learning/ teaching situations or for all individuals .
5 For example , expressed guilt may be so deep as to become delusional , generalised to the point where the individual believes that he or she is personally responsible for some major catastrophe or for all of the evil that exists in the world .
6 Other methods include sending letters to all employees and holding meetings for groups of employees or for all employees .
7 Its symbolism may or may not be universal for all mankind , or for all within one culture , but enough dream material is common for others to be interested and gripped by a person who recounts his dreams .
8 For yourself or for all the others ?
9 This might be integrated with lower level processing , or after all lower level processing has been performed on the entire utterance .
10 This , to repeat a point made earlier , does not mean that their sole role must be to further the interest of each or of all their subjects .
11 It is a conception that might not be true of it , or all of it , and which might cease to be true of it or of all of it .
12 The Belfast contrast between clear and dark [ l ] , however , is not characteristic of all Irish English or of all Ulster English .
13 Whether it 's the effect of the country air , or of all that Gibbon and Johnson , he does n't know , but his prose style is transformed .
14 The first exemption , which is most pertinent to takeovers , is contained in s103(3) , which provides that a valuer 's report is not required where the allotment is made in connection with an arrangement providing for the allotment of shares in the company on terms that the whole or part of the consideration for the shares allotted is to be provided by the transfer to that company ( or the cancellation ) of all or some of the shares , or of all or some of the shares of a particular class , in another company ( with or without the issue to that company of shares , or of shares of any particular class , in that other company ) .
15 If the argument mentioned in relation to s89 is correct in respect of that section then it should be equally applicable to s131(1). ( 3 ) Section 103(3) provides that s103(1) ( requiring a valuation in respect of shares allotted by a public company for a non-cash consideration ) does not apply to " … the allotment of shares by a company in connection with an arrangement providing for the allotment of shares in that company on terms that the whole or part of the consideration for the shares allotted is to be provided by the transfer to that company ( or the cancellation ) of all or some of the shares , or of all or some of the shares of a particular class , in another company ( with or without the issue to that company of shares , or of shares of any particular class , in that other company ) " .
16 If " malice " is proved against a sole defendant or against all defendants it may aggravate the hurt and hence the final award .
17 A. Many people in the industrial towns around the Pennines enjoy getting out into the country and walking along a part , or along all 370 km , of the Pennine Way .
18 With part of his army or with all his army , Thorfinn had to withdraw .
19 An interesting example of a different type of social service institution is that concerned with the provision of livelihood for those unable to earn by reason of sickness , disablement , lack of work , or above all , age .
20 Compared to the experience of hearing music ‘ live ’ even under unfavourable circumstances there is often very little sense that the musicians are pulling in the same direction , or that the music ebbs and flows in a natural , organic or above all believable way .
21 Its very opening out of public space , to be seen for example in Munich , Prague , or above all Rome , is strikingly modern in comparison with the traditional and labyrinthine Gothic street plans .
22 Where in all this was the clear and straightforward infallible message ?
23 These certainly were not in the box when it arrived in England and I fear were purloined from you either at Perth or Sydney , the tin box where in all probability you intended to put them not being opened at the Docks .
24 As the numbers were so small the table also gives our results amalgamated with those obtained in Oxford : in these two large teaching hospitals the perinatal death rate in cases in which vaginal delivery is planned ( 2.9/1000 ) is no different from that in elective caesarean section is carried out ( 2.3/1000 ) or in all cases ( 2.7/1000 ) .
25 If at any stage in the discussions on Monday , or in all the other discussions that I have attended in the past two years , it had been a question of majority vote , there would have been much less agreement , and to the extent that decisions had been imposed by a majority , they would have been much less effective .
26 any of the Permissions have been granted subject to a lawful condition with which [ it would be impossible for or in all the circumstances it would be unreasonable to expect ] the Landlord to comply
27 Applying Kirchhoff 's voltage law to the input and output meshes gives Thus The results obtained for this particular network are illustrative of the fact that or in all passive networks .
28 In some ways , he may be better off at Birmingham — nearer to Richard , & to all his pals and usual haunts .
29 In the full sense of the word , it is arguable that nobody was governed before the later nineteenth century ; it would certainly be foolish to maintain that either royal or princely government in the twelfth century operated according to fixed rules or without intermission or over all the inhabitants of a defined area .
30 His hearty voice was soon familiar to and popular with many thousands of listeners up and down the west coast and he invariably ended his broadcasts with a special Good-Night wish to a different section of the community each evening , such as to June brides , to lighthouse keepers ‘ out there in the dark ’ , or to all dentists who might be ‘ looking down in the mouth ’ .
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