Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] with " in BNC.

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1 as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions , to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with .
2 The due observance and fulfilment of the terms provisions conditions and endorsements of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Policyholder and the truth of the statements and answers in the said proposal shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Corporation to make any payment under this Policy .
3 The due observance and fulfilment of the terms provisions conditions and endorsements of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Policyholder and the truth of the statements and answers in the said proposal shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Corporation to make any payment under this Policy .
4 As a control , sections from all patient and control lungs were stained with ET-1 antiserum that had been immunoabsorbed with synthetic ET-1 overnight at 4°C , or incubated with normal goat serum instead of the primary antisera .
5 Not all the congratulatory letters were complimentary , but I 'm just as grateful to those who took me to task or argued with me or lectured me as I am to those who gave me a kind pat .
6 While the Doctor stalked about the room , or fiddled with the door , or argued with the guards , the three others had sat on the floor and exchanged their stories .
7 The only member of the squad who could ; the others hammered or pecked with two fingers , swore picturesquely , and reached for the erasing fluid .
8 Some are intersected with elegant stripes or studded with radiant spots ; others affect to be genteelly powdered or neatly fringed .
9 These are the sample from Greece that has been called Ouranopithecus macedoniensis by some , or synonymized with Graecopithecus freybergi by others , and the single maxilla from Samburu Hills which has not yet been named .
10 For the next thirty-five years he published a spate of pamphlets and books on the subjects about which he felt strongly and the authors whom he admired deeply or disagreed with emphatically .
11 No candidate , including himself , faced an opponent or disagreed with the Communist Party line .
12 Most colleges are walled or fenced with guards at the gates .
13 Nor were they in Europe , where it took off in a big way as the cult movie of the moment , especially in countries where the dire American dialogue could be dubbed over or subtitled with more viable prose .
14 Flowers can transform the appearance of drinks , desserts and salads when they are sprinkled with petals , or garnished with whole flowers .
15 Skirts are also included and these can be straight or flared with anything from two to sixteen panels .
16 ( c ) Law of Property Act 1925 , s62 By the Law of Property Act 1925 , s62 a lease of land will include all liberties , privileges , easements , rights , and advantages whatsoever appertaining or reputed to appertain to the land or any part thereof at the date of the lease , demised , occupied , or enjoyed with or reputed or known as part or parcel of or appertenant to the land or any part thereof .
17 It was not clear whether the robber ever got out of the car or escaped with any of their valuables .
18 If you received a grant from Gulbenkian or worked with them in any way , then he would be grateful to hear from you .
19 Meadows would be cut for hay once a year , and pastures would be grazed and never ploughed , planted or plied with artificial fertilisers and pesticides .
20 Intact physical structures which enable one to see , hear , taste , smell and touch , and those which permit speech and body language are basic to independence , although some degree of impairment can often be compensated for or coped with .
21 He could n't stay still for more than a few seconds and either paced the ground or fidgeted with his hair , clothes , hands , face and anything else within his reach .
22 The talk was general , candlelit faces leaned across the table and the hands which peeled the fruit or fidgeted with the glasses were as individual as the faces .
23 Weathered clay barley-sugar edgings finish off a path or flowerbed with a crisply period touch , but aside from shoving a few in your handbag next time you visit Mount Stewart , they tend to be hard to find .
24 Now and then he got hold of a book , or looked at some prints , or chatted with a local worthy , but it was a hard life and they were in narrow circumstances .
25 He was on the move again , whether he had annoyed the proprietor at his cheap hotel by his late night rowdiness , or quarrelled with one of the pimps because the girls staying there posed for him free or simply grown tired of the place , is not clear .
26 If an order is made by the court , then , while it is in force , no bankruptcy petition may be presented or proceeded with , and no other proceeding , execution or legal process can be commenced or continued except with leave of the court .
27 It was almost as if he had no body , because no part of it hurt , or itched , or shivered with cold , or even felt the wooden planking through the quilt .
28 Depending on the rock type , the tunnel is either self supporting or shored with metal arches and stabilised by spraying the walls with concrete .
29 Main trends : Christian Religious Knowledge syllabuses are rapidly developing joint denominational approaches ( Lesotho and Uganda ) and more slowly , but nevertheless steadily beginning to widen syllabuses , based on Bible knowledge and catechism , towards greater discussion of local and contemporary moral issues ( Kenya and Zambia ) ; local beliefs and customs are no longer excluded or contrasted with Christian beliefs .
30 Also of use in old bums that do not resolve and if there are any ill effects of burns — other conditions that have developed from the burn itself or coincided with the burn though not apparently directly connected with it .
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