Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] taken " in BNC.

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1 That 's it , that 's what I had they told and they said that it might be that she 's just , she 's just is small for her size , but it might be that Katie taken all the goodness from Hannah
2 Scientists on both sides of the Atlantic have said that the so-called ‘ Concorde ’ trial confirms what many had felt for a long time , namely that AZT taken on its own is likely to be limited in delaying the onset of AIDS .
3 If his army were crushed and Kuwait taken by force , and if the allied forces were then eager to pack up and go home or found themselves no longer wanted , UN peacekeepers could step in .
4 That the Hall was sometimes used as a refuge for recusants and fugitive priests was the subject of frequent speculation among the fishermen who gathered in Mother Russell 's alehouse , but if some knew more than others , they were n't saying : no one could ever be sure , after all , whether Elizabeth might one day be toppled by Queen Mary of Scotland , and England taken back into the arms of Rome all over again .
5 And it means doing this over immense distances because the Tyumen region , which contains the Urengoi gas field where the pipeline starts , is the size of Spain , Italy and France taken together .
6 I was frisked , my belt and Seiko taken from me , and , as an afterthought , kicked in the ribs .
7 Almost the whole of Mark 's Gospel is found in Matthew and Luke taken together .
8 He had n't said he was going away and renting his house , which was odd because they 'd been chatting in the village not two days before he 'd disappeared and Leo taken up residence .
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