Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] only " in BNC.

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1 This offer is valid for arrivals on Sunday , Monday or Tuesday only .
2 Seven to 13 days in Moscow , Leningrad and other cities with some seven day tours to Moscow or Leningrad only .
3 Available in U.K. & Eire only .
4 If you 'd like to submit to the fiction page , please send your manuscripts ( 1,400 words approx ) to the Fiction Editor at the address on page 3 in April or October only .
5 All other departures available from LEEDS — MANCHESTER — STOKE/CLAYTON — BIRMINGHAM — NORTHAMPTON — LUTON & LONDON only .
6 ie Harvey & Charlton only played a hanful of times together , during which time Cooper was injured .
7 Continuing that theme , would it not be right to say though that Plato only gave to come back into human form to those people such as philosophers and that most other people would come back as some other form .
8 Gide at the end of his life remarked that Wilde only began to live after dark as it were , away from most of those who knew him ( So Be It , 27 ) .
9 The survivors themselves later said that Arafat only wanted more martyrs to capture the attention of the world .
10 Rumour 'as it that Maitland only went ter the fights ter get all the evidence 'e could .
11 * A confidential World Bank report states that Indonesia only retains 30 per cent of the profits from logging , as opposed to 85 per cent from its oil industry .
12 Since I have n't , I must intend to convey that Nigel only has fourteen .
13 The Headmaster is disappointed that Geoffrey only recieved a standard reply from the Prime Minister 's office — not even signed by John Major .
14 While there may be Arab people who honestly desire peace , the world must realise that Israel only survives by putting fear into its enemies .
15 I should state here that Cizek only takes children nowadays whom he thinks have a certain aptitude for drawing and painting .
16 It 's obvious that Jenner only used the insulin project to further his own work . ’
17 And that was just what they did , although Beth only picked at her food , her heart too full to eat .
18 It was clear then that Noriega only held on to power by two threads — popular apathy and the loyalty of the Panama Defence Force .
19 The former England batsman also claimed that Donald was not a one-day cricketer and that Warwickshire only used him with the new ball in such games .
20 He stayed indoors the whole winter , so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks .
21 The Europeans , indeed , observed that AT&T only accepted the divestiture after a decade of mounting criticism from Congress , the courts , and the big telephone users .
22 Vogel and others argue that Japan only became the model to follow once constitutional safeguards of individual rights harnessed a cultural preference into a force for the good of society as a whole .
23 Please note that Italy only accepts small packets up to 1kg , Australia , Cuba , Myanmar and Papua New Guinea up to 500 g .
24 This is that Basildon only swung 1.3 per cent to Labour ( and so stayed Tory ) because it has the highest Sun readership in the country ( half of all households there take it ) , whereas Hampstead fell to Glenda Jackson because it is top of the Guardian 's league ( 14 per cent of homes ) .
25 In recent years it has become fashionable to say that Modi only suffered from poverty because of his drinking and drug-taking .
26 IT HAS been said that Glasgow only really welcomes an incomer if they have built a ship .
27 On visits to Romania , the curators of Ceauşescu 's residences , the state guest-houses and museums , noted that Zhivkov only stole or requested as presents the most exquisite items .
28 The problem is that Reich only took half of Freud 's theory , and ignored the role of the death instincts which were developed in the later theory of psychoanalysis .
29 Please note that Cambodia only accepts letters to 1 kg .
30 With the current growth of interest in Briggs ' work , it is intriguing to note that Briggs only ever published one paper on Sanskrit which , at the time , was poorly received and thought to be a cul-de-sac or at best a side road .
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