Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 No need to plan anything — and I 'm someone who likes planning things , or rather gets worried if things are n't planned .
2 It seems to me clear that the main intention of the offer was to induce people interested in this kind of music to buy ( or perhaps get others to buy ) , chocolate which otherwise would not have been bought .
3 Can you see that maybe , if at some time in the future , you do have er , some bad health , or perhaps get involved in an accident , that after a period of time , it might be difficult to actually find the money to pay for this plan we 're establishing tonight ?
4 ‘ Once you 've got that basic drawing of a person sitting sideways on a chair , if you draw straight lines around him you 've more or less got a pyramid shape .
5 ( Two years later , Connelly would dispute Jones 's recollection of these conversations , but by then the octopus had more or less got its act together .
6 No you you got a more or less get up on something to sort it out .
7 Particularly where you 've more or less got the idea of it but you think you just want to sort of tidy up a few details an
8 Arts groups have only just begun to take on board the fact that they have to be much more proactive if they are to tap the creativity of people who may be confined to their homes or only get out to day centres with help .
9 But later , from the end of the Triassic onwards , certain species within the genus began to drop down on all fours , although this does not mean that the quadrupedal forms descended from bipedal forms — or merely got tired of walking on two legs .
10 I do not see why my constituents should have to go to Birmingham or elsewhere to get effective legal advice .
11 Going for a walk , arranging to meet a friend , or just getting on with some DIY , hobby , or relaxation exercises are all likely to occupy the mind more effectively .
12 Slater had seen him on his BMW bike , or just getting off it .
13 The catch is , however , that the joint is yet to be licensed , so it 's bring your own hooch or just get drunk on the atmosphere .
14 Is your preference to find something to enjoy , or just get the exercise finished and out of the way ?
15 If I was some fucking private eye or something I 'd head back out to Mr Azul 's big house and break in somehow and find something really interesting or a body or a beautiful woman ( or just get slugged on the back of the head and wake up wise-cracking ) .
16 You just CAN NOT afford to pick an inferior side so it will gel , or possibly get better together .
17 ‘ It 'd take 'er an hour or more to get there .
18 But he 'd plainly told her on Tuesday that it would take a week or more to get the necessary replacement part , so what was the point in ringing him ?
19 Letters seem to be taking sometimes two weeks or more to get here , and I suppose it might be the same at Nanking , but I think the post to & from Shanghai will be quicker .
20 122 miles you 've just pushed this seven and a half ton truck I believe yet what was the one moment that really stood out or really got you going ?
21 ‘ It is the fault of C1 that you do n't have today or tomorrow to get straight .
22 Or even getting to see the T-shirts .
23 Let me repeat yet again the words of Ernest Renan in his famous lecture ‘ What is a Nation ’ in 1882 : ‘ Forgetting history , or even getting history wrong ( l'erreur historique ) are an essential factor in the formation of a nation , which is why the progress of historical studies is often dangerous to a nationality . ’
24 Other strategies which recognise the new sense and the new possibilities are the wildlife/domestic stock village systems developing in Central Africa — systems not dissimilar to the self-sufficient , low-input philosophy that Gandhi was promoting before India became a monolithic Civil Service with centralised control which destroyed village integrity : the same problem that has caused thousands of Africans to return to their villages in the last twenty years , giving up their Government jobs for which they were never paid or even got their rations .
25 The kings ( or rather , queens ) of slave-owners are the Amazon ants , who are splendid at killing and enslaving other ants but have grown so dependent on their slaves that they can not dig their own nests , care for their young or even get their own food .
26 People do not ‘ pass away ’ , ‘ pass on ’ , ‘ fall asleep ’ or even get ‘ promoted to glory ’ : they die .
27 He did n't throw his head back like Peggy Pine did when she laughed , or giggle into his fist like Paccy Moore ; he did n't make big gestures like Mario in the fish and chip shop , or even get wheezing and coughing fits like Dessie Burns often did .
28 Such novels may not greatly dignify the world they describe , or even get it right ; but their fascination with the inner workings of an administrative system are ultimately reverent , and Snow himself was to end his career in London and not in Cambridge , where he had begun as a scientist : a peer and , briefly , a government minister .
29 ‘ I would n't like to play on the same team as him or even get changed in the vicinity of him , ’ he said a year ago , after Justin came out .
30 He would never talk about anything , discuss problems or even get involved in arguments with her .
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