Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] could " in BNC.

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1 He could hardly believe a young boy of no more than ten or eleven could be playing such a deadly game .
2 Nothing crude or hasty could be done .
3 McFarlane , having spelled out with caution the Israeli arguments and the Iranian blandishments , admitted that ‘ the concept raises a number of imponderable questions ’ , including ‘ where this might lead in terms of our being asked to up the ante on more and more arms and where that could conceivably lead …
4 It will not be easy for him to justify dismissing you because of any lack of capability on your part where that could have been anticipated when you were originally offered the job .
5 Things like , it was us who set up the Benefits Unit in the Town Centre , you know , we , it was considered that you know we as a neutral policy team are in without departmental buyers rather than political buyers , that 's a joke , erm , would be the best people to erm , er set up this unit , we do n't have any less interest , the benefit 's , the benefit 's felt within the housing department with with the introduction of Poll Tax and the Poll Tax benefit , it was n't clear where that could go , so we were the people who had to sort that out .
6 ‘ . Girls of seven or eight could mind the baby , one of the most frequent excuses that parents offered to the school attendance officers for the absence of girl children .
7 For example , the number eight would be a very pretty shape to create and a pressed flower card reading eighteen or twenty-one could also be very attractive if created in shades of pink , and if you had the patience you could even make a matching gift tag to accompany the present .
8 This may be the case for some manual workers , though by no means all , but there are large numbers of people on low incomes who for one reason or another could be hurt by Labour 's plans .
9 There was murder within marriage because a husband or a wife wanted life to be different and for one reason or another could find no other way to bring that about .
10 Sometimes , above the noise , one voice or another could be heard : Deliver , O Lord , the souls of thy servants …
11 Separation of the sexes was also considered desirable where this could be achieved .
12 Certain information within these main categories was considered to be primarily concerned with monitoring and control activities , and , where this could be specifically identified at this stage , it was coded accordingly ( ie COI ) .
13 The scale of fee should be commensurate with the risk undertaken , except where this could be detrimental to the establishment of a long term recurring client relationship , in so far as such opportunity presents itself when acting for a vendor client .
14 Henry Erskine 's correspondents could have added to their list several other varieties of revenue officer , judicial appointments , university chairs , first appointments in the army or the navy , and where these could be obtained without purchase , advancement in rank in these services , Indian and colonial patronage , and much more .
15 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
16 In spelling out its arguments for the proposed pattern , the Council was once again reinterpreting the balance that had been at the centre of its concerns from the beginning : there was nothing in the Charter and Statutes ‘ which prevented greater recognition from being given to an institution 's own internal procedures where these could be shown to be rigorous and effective .
17 Such large numbers of the would-be most productive members of society rendered severely disabled or ill could have catastrophic effects on the national economy and development .
18 All samples in the facility are handled in a strict quality control regime designed to identify any form of contamination , potential or actual , that if undetected or uncorrected could lead to erroneous analytical data .
19 Perhaps it would be better to seek the contemporary witness of the Spirit in ecumenical discussions , where all could contribute their special insight and the Holy Spirit would , doubtless , be found along with the majority of the votes at the end of the day ?
20 Channell told him that supporters who gave $300,000 or more could meet Reagan for 15 minutes , and that their visits were not logged on : ‘ the implication being that this was so secret that the President wanted to keep it so not everybody at the White House knew what was going on . ’
21 Two or more could play and a coin ( if you possessed one ) was tossed for the first to throw .
22 A challenge was issued to the AKA membership in their February 1983 issue of AKA News It gave dimensions for an 80 x 96in ( 203 x 244cm ) Rokkaku and described how teams of two or more could fly against each other as in the traditional Japanese events .
23 During the fighting around the hotel , sergeant Johnny Dowling and Sergeant Cork of No.1 Troop went to find the tank known to be nearby , for had this been brought into action , its 12 tons or more could have tipped the scales against the commandos .
24 In Rutland there were very few assessments at £50 in 1522 , and all were prudently reduced to £40 ( more or less ) for the subsidy ; men on £60 or more could not so plausibly shed their surtax liability .
25 Such an incident could have been handled with tact by a sympathetic procurator , but one who was weak or self-seeking could have panicked or exploited such an incident to his advantage .
26 No detractor however imaginative or ingenious could find anything that would pain him or put him out of countenance .
27 Sending your child to primary school at three or four could be a handicap to her education , not a help , as Karen Gold reports
28 I can recall a class of eight-to nine-year-olds in Brisbane in which one or two could not cope with being in a submissive role of being hijacked .
29 The collapse of the pound in the last month or two could mean that the party 's over for PC buyers , with the downward spiral of prices finally bottoming out .
30 I do n't suppose you could be persuaded to come up by train for a night or two could you ? = that would be so very super , a treat of the first order .
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