Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dadda only smoked when he was contented and then he would get through forty or fifty a day , bringing on a cough and staining his fingers yellow-brown .
2 Forty or fifty a day , three gallons of beer , drop dead one of these days — "
3 Forty or fifty a week the Dynmouth woman 's paid . "
4 How specific or broad a range of wastes constitute a waste type is debatable .
5 And er , as you 'll see , probably next week 's , I 'm not going to get to this now , er , next week , or possible the week after , even , depending on how long it takes me to get there , I will suggest to you that the revolution now taking place in behavioural science , does suggest wh what they are , and that there are in fact some deeply countering intuitive insights , erm , into this whole issue , which have only emerged in the last few years .
6 Under capitalism the market and the desire to accumulate wealth appear to be a sufficient basis for social interaction and for regulating communal life ; things and impersonal economic mechanisms have replaced people 's commitment to each other while ‘ the ancient conception in which man always appears ( in however narrowly national , religious or political a definition ) as the aim of production , seems very much more exalted that the modern world in which production is the aim of man and wealth the aim of production ’ [ p. 84 ] .
7 If we were naughty or disobedient the nursemaid would threaten us with this man who , she said , hid at night in the high bushes by the gate , and would know what we had done and come and get us .
8 One-Dimensional Chess had n't been all that difficult once they worked out the rules , and now their first answer was being carried or transmitted or processed-whatever-by the small attendant with the little red boots .
9 The coaching stock was six or eight a side compartment type with sliding top lights , it was warm in the carriage by the time the tunnel was reached , so a top light was opened .
10 If the ballvalve is faulty it is likely that either the washer has worn or that the seating needs replacing ( page 46 ) .
11 If only because the offence is defined in terms of ‘ duty ’ the concept must be in some way limited to the ways that the law obliges the constable to act , in however attenuated or weak a sense of that word .
12 Be systematic with your inspection : test all easily accessible timbers with a sharp screwdriver to detect concealed tunnels and boreholes ; lift some carpets and where possible a section of floorboards , and test the joists .
13 Homoeopathy also differs from the orthodox approach in that it concentrates on the body 's own inherent ability to heal itself and aims to work along with this ability , to enhance it where necessary , to seek out the basic underlying causes of an illness and to effect where possible a permanent cure .
14 Where possible a subject specialist who has worked with an ESL tutor or team is also involved .
15 It was agreed that where possible a system of barter would operate , with for example Estonia bartering electricity for Latvian gas ; where this was not possible accounting would be based on the deutschmark .
16 Where possible an indication should be given of the sub-system(s) and program(s) that are likely to be affected by the change .
17 ( 3 ) that in any year there should be where possible an equal number of Major and Minor awards
18 Try instead to drink real fruit juice and spring or filtered water ( avoiding where possible the water straight from the tap which is full of chemicals ) .
19 Where possible the public are given access to enjoy the land for recreation .
20 Where possible the purified proteins have been sequenced at the amino terminus to confirm the presence of the expected mutation .
21 Where possible the tread is given a slight overhang over the riser , or the riser is given a slight angle back at the base .
22 Where possible the Police Road Safety Display Caravan will highlight these initiatives in Lothian and be on site at various organised events .
23 Where possible the ore , as has been mentioned , was hand dressed in preparation for the long journey to Keswick .
24 The Company 's policy and practice is to encourage where possible the recruitment , training and career development of disabled people and any employees who may become disabled .
25 Where possible the analyst must identify and investigate detailed results .
26 One measure of a successful department will be its primary/secondary links in terms of the frequency of consultation between phases , the level of joint planning between them and where possible the coherent management of a cross-phase unit of study .
27 First of all to thank the Surveyors ' Department for cooperation on various things that have taken place and where possible the altered or amended suggestions have gone in er themselves .
28 Coun Dixon said where possible the council would consider introducing hard standing areas where people had no alternative for parking their cars .
29 Using a pole , fixed line , size 24 hook and wisp of fish or half a harbour rag it would be possible to catch fish an inch long one after another .
30 The State Department had accused Guatemala of ‘ failing to investigate effectively , to detain or prosecute ’ people in the security forces or half a dozen armed groups who took part in ‘ extrajudicial killings ’ .
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