Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 Applicants with appropriate previous study and/or experience are given exemption from part of the Course and students wishing to transfer from another institution are welcomed , subject to numbers .
2 Further north , in Poland , extensive Romanesque work in stone and/or brick was carried out , but much of this has been altered through the centuries and the limited remains suffered damage in the Second World War .
3 The time required for arranging meetings , preparing reports , attending assessment panels , producing and circulating minutes , contacting relevant staff and monitoring induction and/or progress is considerable .
4 To concede nothing-unless concession were a path to victory .
5 For certain mechanical defects where surgery is contemplated , for example , ventricular septal defects , or papillary muscle rupture , invasive investigation and/or echocardiography are required , and the relative merits of these approaches are beyond the scope of this review .
6 It should be emphasized , though , that the prime object of alloying copper with gold and/or silver was to alter its appearance and fit it to serve symbolic rather than technological ends .
7 Further losses from the ecosystem occur as crops and/or animals are harvested and exported ; and such cumulative losses , unless they are compensated for with artificial fertilisers , often lead to farm abandonment .
8 The current study clearly shows for the first time that PT-gliadin and/or fragments are intracellulary present in normal enterocytes after exposure .
9 Dementia and/or confusion was by far the most common condition requiring such a move ( 50% ) .
10 Although Bozo 's appointment is being presented as a natural consequence of the desire to reunite the Centre 's four sections , it is clear that his presidency will give the museum a bigger say than in the past and ensure that , where funding is concerned , it is no longer the poor relation of the IRCAM .
11 There is a trap for the unwary where Newco is a close company and lends money to the trustees of an employee trust which holds shares in Newco , for example where funding is required to enable the trust to acquire further Newco shares .
12 And the following day he worked harder than usual in digging a grave , where Prince was buried .
13 Standard rules of quantum theory show then that Gv = Gv = g 2 /8 M 2 m where g is the new weak charge , analogous to electric charge , and M w is the mass of the W particle .
14 It corresponds to a wave front of light from the star that just fails to escape to infinity but remains hovering at the Schwarzschild radius : 2 GM/c , where G is Newton 's constant of gravity , M is the mass of the star , and c is the velocity of light .
15 The classical theory of gravitation is based on Newton 's law of gravity which states that two masses m , and m2 separated by a distance r feel a mutual gravitational attraction , where G is the universal gravitational constant .
16 This may be seen heuristically by considering a vote between G and , where G is an infinitesimal positive increment .
17 If it is assumed that v t and t are normally distributed , it can be shown that the ratio is distributed as an F-variate with g and n - k degrees of freedom , where g is the number of restrictions , n is the number of observations and k is the total number of coefficients being estimated in the unrestricted model .
18 If we here abandon the time-sequence of his life and anticipate his later work we should also see that an idea or hypothesis was often involved in some of his work , being followed by experiment involving accurate measurement to verify or deny the hypothesis .
19 Their voices are much higher pitched than those of Orcs , and they are extremely noisy and garrulous where Orcs are inclined to speak slowly and infrequently ( considering the determined glare and comparison of fangs to be sufficient communication in most situations ) .
20 As a gourmet you certainly think of yourself as a product of high civilization , as far above the animal as a scholar or scientist is .
21 It has after all become a commonplace that the creative imagination of the philosopher , mathematician or scientist is not much different from that of a prophet or poet ; what distinguishes him is how he treats his findings in retrospect .
22 This shows that the Bristol & West is behind you , and says you 're a genuine , serious house-hunter , with real buying power — to be treated with the greatest respect !
23 Bristol & West is the UK 's tenth-largest building society , with assets of more than £7bn and 350 retail outlets .
24 Traction alopecia is caused by tightly pulled pony-tails , braids and chignons ; friction alopecia occurs when hair bands , wigs or hats are too tight and the hair breaks off .
25 But AT & T are far from happy .
26 Breaking up large firms plays no significant part in UK competition policy although in the US the telecommunications company AT & T was split up into regional competitors .
27 The Revenue has said that , provided the final figures are sent to the inspector as soon as they are available , s 97 , TMA 1970 would ensure that the company would not be liable to a s 96 penalty unless fraud or negligence were involved .
28 For an alternative formulation might be that it is the hallmark of democratic government ( which is not the whole of democracy ) that it is government by consent , by contrast with other forms of arbitrary or tyrannical rule where the wishes of the people are ignored and their assent or support is not sought , or considered necessary .
29 Stopping people by asking for the time or change is a favourite mugging trick — especially when there is more than one attacker .
30 Once policies are on the statute books , there is reluctance to change them , or change is very slow and largely through non-statutory guidance .
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