Example sentences of "[pron] away when " in BNC.

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1 He hated to throw them away when they got old .
2 Sometimes , it is this flash of white belly that gives them away when you are roaming the river bank trying to spot them .
3 BADGES have long been a cheap , effective way of making a statement — whether it 's Ban The Bomb or I Love Madonna — but do n't throw them away when your fervour wanes .
4 People with loadsamoney — ’ he said it as one word just to prove he had learned something living in London — ‘ buy them to play with and throw them away when they 're bored with ‘ em .
5 Home to Norwich is nt the best game either … better to play them away when they do nt have a 5 man defence , and have some pressure on them .
6 Just put them on and throw them away when you 've finished .
7 well I take them away when I 've finished with them
8 ‘ There are people out there who want to use you and then just throw you away when they have finished with you .
9 to get you away when I bust in and found Old Red chatting you up !
10 Movement , scent and sound can give you away when you 're heading in for a close up shot .
11 I do n't know how I had the nerve to speak to you as I did — to turn you away when you were being so nice and so good .
12 There were many as reckoned she threw ‘ erself away when she started going wi ’ Walter Machin . ’
13 She had another kid as well , you know , but his father came and took him away when he was a baby .
14 His cheek was warm and smooth and very desirable , and she gave in , unable to push him away when having him close was so much more delightful .
15 The day after , Jamie came in with the wooden dish of porridge , held it out to Cameron , then twitched it away when he reached for it and turned it upside down .
16 The will often buy the cheapest on the market and throw it away when the element is worn out .
17 6 assorted jars of chutney , unused ( I do n't know about you but I seem to accumulate chutney , pickles , lemon curd , etc. , faster than I can demolish it and rather than throw it away when useless , I 'd prefer to give it a good home — the best way of all is to sneak the jars into the National Trust shop at your local Hall or Towers and leave them among the chutneys already there )
18 She must have automatically put it away when she found the door already open .
19 I gave it away when I was clearing up .
20 She was playing with Richard , teasing him with a fallen branch from the apple tree , and snatching it away when the child made to grab it .
21 She drained the can , crushed it in her hand and was about to throw it away when she realized that Molassi was standing right next to her .
22 I think they must have had a bleeper on my car ; I never checked , and they 'd have taken it away when they caught up — damn it , it 's what I 'd have done : a simple radio bleeper with a magnet , you can stick it on in two seconds .
23 Match summary : Both teams played well , England were unlucky when Dorigo hit the post from an excellent free kick , and Platt should have tucked it away when he was through .
24 I 'll put it away when you done with that .
25 It 's when we 're going to take it in the kitchen and put it away when we 've finished .
26 In fact , barn owls are reckoned to be one of the hardest breeds to hand-rear and train , and they are n't recommended for beginners — though I did n't know that then , What I did know was that I 'd probably lost the battle with this owl before I 'd started : I suspected he would be impossible to train , but I was so hooked on the idea of having my own bird that I could hardly drag myself away when I was looking at him .
27 You give yourself away when you kiss like that .
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