Example sentences of "[pron] country [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I would rather give half my country away than know the secret of this powder .
2 ‘ I would love to play for my country again .
3 ‘ I would love to play for my country again .
4 It 's so funny , 'cause Clockwork Orange is what 's happening in my country right now .
5 The King of Blefuscu , however , replied that I was too strong to be taken prisoner , and that I would soon be returning to my country anyway .
6 why should I have to survive it ? my country too you know ,
7 I pretended to be very foreign , ashamed to hear my country so misrepresented by an Englishman .
8 America 's my country now . ’
9 They know that if I do bring a new democratic freedom to my country then it 'll mean the confiscation of those fortunes .
10 By providing money for so-called buy-back operations , in which countries either bought their own commercial debts back from the banks at deeply discounted levels or , alternatively , simply used the money as collateral when negotiating low-interest bond deals , a number of countries had been able to reschedule their own external obligations on easier repayment terms than had been agreed at the time when they were made .
11 But in so doing , they ignored a continuing problem ; and they created a new one , for the price they paid for the French troops who solved the English military problem was a monarch who was taught to be French and Catholic , and who would return to her country only when both these things clashed with the prevailing balance of power in Scotland .
12 It has served its country dutifully for over 30 years and we are delighted to be its new custodians . ’
13 No inquiries have been made into the 240 Ulster soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country instead we see them being framed by our so called police force and left to spend their lives in a prison cell for crimes they did n't commit .
14 In the most draconian punishment ever handed out to Scottish internationalists , Billy Bremner , Joe Harper , Pat McCluskey , Willie Young and Arthur Graham were told they would never play for their country again .
15 There 's also this thing which is called agricultural fundamentalism right and the most developing c , most developed countries , most of the population live in urban areas and the they see erm er rural areas as being sort of the backbone of society , sort of the salt of the earth type of element in society that although they do n't participate in themselves would like to maintain right and so even consumers may well be would not want see erm agriculture obliterated from er , from their country right because they like the products that erm that agriculture produces and they think that you can of erm destroying of the agricultural industry would , would pose an unacceptable burden on the fabric of rural society and as a result are quite happy to see protectionism er fo , for that industry .
16 This love for their land is refreshing — they consistently enthuse about their country rather than being swift to bad-mouth it — and it is also reflected in their desire to protect large areas from exploitation .
17 Whether or not it was ‘ in their haste , their unwillingness to temporise , that the Vietminh leaders , with their fathomless vanity , had driven their country straight into conflict with France ’ — the reproach of Vietnamese intellectuals and non-marxist nationalists — it was a rather academic if not drawing-room argument that the Vietminh could easily have brought about national unanimity and created a national state rather than revolution and the party state .
18 The relatively small number of East Germans who have so far actually left their country permanently suggests that the leadership 's decision on free travel was a shrewd move .
19 The language barrier is n't too much of a problem , but some of them are frightened of police in their country so are a bit suspicious of us
20 But with stunning clarity they demonstrate again how the great reformer has unleashed forces which he and his country no longer control , and which now are playing on the German Question itself , the issue which lies at the very heart of today 's European order .
21 He confessed that he had ‘ missed playing Test cricket over the past couple of years ’ but had never lost the belief that he would one day play for his country again .
22 Bran was also a zealous patriot and served his country well as a warrior .
23 Leader of his country even before its independence , the President was alone in being known outside Belpan .
24 Collins ' form has been as stable as his club 's progress has been erratic this season and the player feels he should have represented his country more often than he has done .
25 His country still insist he must turn out in an African Nations Cup qualifier against South Africa rather than the televised curtain-raiser at the City ground .
26 But Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev made it plain that his country still prefers peacekeepers to military action .
27 Vietnam 's withdrawal is the best opportunity he will have to lead his country once more , but he may botch it by taking one political twist too many .
28 UNITED NATIONS — Panama 's provisional president barely touched on the military upheaval in his country yesterday in a 30-minute address to the General Assembly which was heavily critical of US policy towards Panama , Reuter reports .
29 RUSSIAN president Boris Yeltsin invited the Queen to visit his country yesterday .
30 I feel very strongly that a man like Cram , who has served his country very well in the past and won a host of medals , deserves more loyalty .
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