Example sentences of "[pron] call [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In her head , Burnside remembered someone calling America the United States of Sand and Rocks .
2 They looked at me and they pretend I 'm someone called Franz Kafka .
3 six parts potassium nitrate which is , I du n no what that is actually , it says salt peter next to it someone called Peter and it 's salt
4 ‘ Let us suppose , ’ he said , ‘ that there is someone called Mohamed and that he was born and lived in Acre .
5 There was no doubt in Harriet 's mind that he was someone called Freddie Nash .
6 Anything else , for instance the ’ fact ’ that Socrates talked with Plato , depends ( from Socrates ' point of view ) on the assumption that there really was someone called Plato who often visited him .
7 Someone called Raoul
8 ‘ First it was someone called Golding , then it was Weskit or some such name , and now it 's a woman with a name like a Victorian tart , who writes books about girls who get pregnant by homosexuals .
9 Have you heard of someone called Laura ?
10 ‘ Oh , there was someone called Bartholomew .
11 And one of the workshops I went to was by someone called Richard .
12 ‘ Yes , at least the lady I was trying to trace married someone called McMahon .
13 She had news about the clearing-up operations and enquiries about a necklace lost by someone called Clarissa .
14 A drink was thrust into her hand and within five minutes she was being passed from group to group as though she were the prize exhibit ; asked numerous questions she did n't know how to or have time to answer ; told endless tales of this person or that person ; until eventually , somewhat bewildered , she ended up in the bar with someone called Patrick who began regaling her with tales of old Ireland .
15 ‘ On any of his visits , ’ he said stolidly , ‘ did he ever mention someone called McCloy ? ’
16 Someone called Prue , who until today had remained hidden in the wardrobe-room on the first floor pedalling her sewing machine , had a chair allocated for her use in the prompt corner and a space reserved for cotton reels and safety pins on the props table in the wings .
17 But what else could you expect of someone called Sebastian ?
18 Someone called Sebastian says that he has named the movement to follow post-modernism ; it is called belatedness .
19 Apparently , someone called Harry Kellerman has been phoning people up about George , and giving him ‘ the bad mouth all over town ’ .
20 Stopped , just for five minutes , just to have a quick look , and now here you are , in charge of the stall of a woman you do n't know , a woman you 've never seen before in your life , and all because someone called Harry was n't to get away with something — And that man with blue eyes was watching her again .
21 But I do n't know anything about selling things , only before I could tell that to the woman who owns the stall she 'd rushed off to follow someone called Harry — who 's not getting away with it , ’ she tacked on comically .
22 Except that when Mrs Tremayne were dying , I thought I heard her say something about someone called Ash , or maybe it was Nash .
23 His playing partner , someone called Arnold Palmer , arrived only two minutes before the appointed time with a a veteran 's aplomb .
24 A television set with all kinds of channels and a Bible written by someone called Gideon .
25 Someone called Beck . ’
26 ‘ Well , ’ Robert went on , aware that he had lost his audience , ‘ someone called Abu Quata …
27 Anyway , someone called Abu told Bukha … ’
28 Someone called Doyle .
29 The scheme was a dismal attempt at wholesale social engineering , at wiping out the past and beginning all over again — although it has to be said that the new phonetic script itself , based on a design by someone called Kingsley Read , was rather attractive .
30 The next Archdeacon of Woodborough is to be someone from the north , someone called Daniel Byrne . ’
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