Example sentences of "[pron] look with " in BNC.

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1 I turn my head sideways to see how I look with my ears showing , but I ca n't see proper .
2 I look with pleasure to see that the asse
3 Could I look with you and mummy ?
4 My fifteen miles ' walk had whetted my appetite , and therefore I looked with no angry gaze on Ranza Inn , and , despite the large company of tourists airing themselves outside , I made inquiries for breakfast , and was told it would not be ready for an hour ( it was now nine o'clock ) .
5 In his celebrated letter to Chesterfield , Samuel Johnson asks : ‘ Is not a Patron , My Lord , one who looks with unconcern on a Man struggling for Life in the water and when he has reached ground encumbers him with help . ’
6 One Bible passage says : ‘ If you seek the Lord your God , you will find him if you look with all your heart and with all your soul . ’
7 Complete you look with fitted veils and headdresses , shoes by Shico and Rainbow Club and designer hosiery .
8 But of course how much better he knew her now , and how changed she looked with her smart dresses and her well-cut hair .
9 She looked with surprise at the jam dish .
10 She looked with more interest at Nails .
11 She looked with horror at the fingers which had cruelly raked Bill Yardley 's face , and heard her own voice uttering words not even fit to be heard in the alleys .
12 She looked with tentative excitement at Pat who , it seemed , did not know what she had said .
13 And she looked with interest at the walls which , in the strong morning light the sun was only just leaving one of them — seemed that they might start sprouting mushrooms .
14 She looked with interest at the kitchen chairs .
15 Outside in the April sunshine the temperature was over seventy degrees , but Polly felt chilled as she looked with rising desperation towards the window .
16 He grinned and she felt her spirits rise as she looked with affection at this man who was like a brother to her .
17 Ey she looked with the red scarf who 's been having problems with it !
18 We look with him .
19 We looked with great interest at the issues raised in Professor Goode 's Consultation Document and our recommendations are designed to help in the task of securing a satisfactory basis for pension provision in the future ’ .
20 With an effort , she made herself look with interest around his office , though it was really beautifully furnished and her initial pretence changed to frank admiration .
21 He 'd encouraged her to look with his eyes — a planner 's eyes — at the scope of the whole thing ; to raise her sights from the individual plant in the bed , to the design of the whole park , and the needs and expectations it must fulfil .
22 In a sheltered bay three pairs patrolled the water ; and very handsome they looked with their new spring feathers : black crests and chestnut tippets .
23 They themselves might ‘ motor ’ down to their country retreat at the weekends but they looked with signal disfavour on the idea that the vast mass of the populace might enjoy a similar mobility and have access to pleasures which for the moment were peculiarly their own .
24 They loathed the German guns and they looked with longing and detestation at Woolley , but in each of them fear had given way to a curiously objective fatalism .
25 He 's just adjusting his outfit as he 's in the car driving up the Tadcaster road and he looks with horror .
26 He looked with displeasure at the frantic figure of his wife and said tersely to the housekeeper , ‘ Mrs McDougal , have you no smelling salts ?
27 He looked with half-closed eyes eastward into the wind .
28 He looked with distaste at the rotting timbers above them .
29 Anyway , he added to himself , as he looked with pity at the little boy , it was asking for trouble , giving him such a daft name .
30 He looked with appreciation at her deep cream pleated skirt and cream and jade blouse , while in her turn Claudia thought how well the tan trousers and matching shirt suited him , moulding his large frame lovingly and making his amber eyes appear gold .
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