Example sentences of "[pron] could at " in BNC.

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1 The quietness seemed somehow to be incredibly loud , perhaps because wherever else I have been I could at the very least , listening hard , pick out some distant sounds of life , or even the wind in the trees .
2 I hated it , and Dr Kelleher got some of them taken down so that I could at least see the daylight .
3 Perhaps I could at least stay until she wakes up and I can explain what 's happening . ’
4 I remember how happy I was when I was accepted at Hamburg University , because I could at last get away from my mother 's asparagus dishes . ’
5 I did anything I could at home when the children were small to make a bit of money . ’
6 She gave me Zdenka 's German address and asked if I could at least write to her daughter from time to time to keep her spirits up .
7 So I did n't join any of them I kept independent while I could at any rate and then .
8 But I could at least sense that even the most feared and serious of all the mental illnesses did have something to do with me , however disturbing that may have seemed at the time .
9 You see if I had the original identification I could at least match it up against a description . ’
10 I could at least ask them . ’
11 So by offering English , French , Greek and Music I could at least attempt to get into Somerville by December 1923 .
12 His line of chat , and a bonhomie which could at times border on insensitivity , marked him out for her as a survivor ; someone with whom she could risk herself ; someone who could both carry and withstand her .
13 ( 1987 ) point out that stock market prices can at times be dependent on the increase in profits derived from the contribution holiday , which could at times increase volatility , and lead to inefficient pricing of shares .
14 She could at least pretend some sorrow .
15 Time and again he had asked her to cook them for his supper , when she could at least bake them in a hot oven .
16 If he put down sheets of newspaper in the kitchen to keep the floor clean on wet days , one of his cats would back up to the far wall and then launch herself as fast as she could at the papers .
17 The model agency office was in a tall old house in Clifton and Paula splashed out some of her savings on a taxi so that she could at least arrive in style .
18 Come on , if she is going to feed us this crud , she could at least get her research right .
19 But snug in his arms and very close to him , she could at least see his looks were n't villainous .
20 As she reached her father 's house she walked straight in at the gate , which she hardly bothered to open quietly , and flung the stone as hard as she could at the glass of the bedroom window .
21 And she could at least smile at Kitty 's compliments because no-one was in earshot and anyway Kitty was mad .
22 But she could at least go over and say hello .
23 Her marriage to Prince Charles gave her a new security , not only in giving her status , but also because she could at first rely on him as something of a father figure , or at any rate a slightly square older brother .
24 ‘ What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon ? ’ she asked in her best trying-to-be-friendly voice , thinking that if she could pin-point him to some specific part of the house then she could at least do her best to avoid it .
25 She shuffled around uncomfortably , finally deciding to cut the bread because it was the one thing she could at least guarantee not to spoil .
26 She was wearing a pair of off-white trousers , which she had cuffed as much as she could at the ankles because of the heat , and a plain navy-coloured T-shirt , neither of which sported designer labels .
27 Since she could not hope — and indeed did not wish — to be at all like Ianthe she could at least provide a complete contrast .
28 She could at least make the best of her meeting with Veronica , though .
29 Marc had invited her to treat the place like home — she smiled wryly at the thought — but if that was too much to expect she could at least explore .
30 In this war of nerves , it was infinitely reassuring to know she could at least get the occasional barb past that glacial exterior .
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